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Monday, September 19, 2011

Take Five with Jewelry Designer Earth Nirvana

I love clothes. There, I've confessed it. When I'm on the grid, if I'm not working, I am at some store (or on Marketplace) looking through outfits to buy. Clothes and shoes. All the time. But there is another important component to a Fashionista's diet besides clothes and shoes: accessories! The right pair of earrings or set of bracelets or sparkling necklace can set off an outfit. I will admit that in the past, I wasn't as focused on my accessories as I needed to be, but over the summer, I began to appreciate what a little bling on a ring could do for my wardrobe, so I set out to find me great pieces that could be worn with my traditional tee-jeans-sneakers 'fits or my steampunk puppet 'fits or my...well, you get the picture.

I met Earth Nirvana through Facebook. We became FB buddies there and occasionally made comments about each other's postings, and then I realized that she actually was an artist who designed jewelry in-world. Of course, me acting like I had all the money in the world, quickly went to her store on Marketplace and began buying up. Not only does Earth offer great pieces (I so <3 her earrings and bracelets), but she offers these wares at awesome prices. With SL's ELEMENTS Jewelry Fair 2011 kicking off this past weekend, I thought I would talk to Earth about her wares, her inspirations, and her goals for the next year.

Earth Nirvana, born in-world December 26, 2008, is a mother of two and the sole visionary and creator behind Earth’s Bangles & Other Creations, a business that prides itself with supplying SL residents with quality items at low cost. Earth’s Bangles complements all looks from the glamorous to the casual with a $50L or less price tag. Using various shapes, colors, textures and styles, drawing inspiration from everything around her, Earth manages present an array of fashion and costume adornments.

To learn more about Earth, please visit her blog and her Facebook page.

Take Five with Jewelry Designer Earth Nirvana

SB: You've been on the grid for going on two years. When and why did you decide to be a designer of a fashionista's most important wares: her jewelry?
EN: From the moment I entered Second Life, I knew that I wanted to have a purpose, a goal to reach. It wasn’t until after my first full week in SL, I knew my “gift” to SL would be jewelry. My love for accessories manifested in Earth’s Bangles, not solely by my own motivation but a selected few around me that pushed in a positive direction.

Click image to purchase on Marketplace

SC: You have a very eclectic style in pieces, especially in regards to shapes and colors. What inspirations do you bring to the creative process when designing?
EN: No one person, place, trend, or culture inspires my creations. It’s the collective that influences style and colors. I draw inspirations from everything and everyone around me, but the majority of my pieces originate from templates of shapes and colors I favor.

Click image to purchase on Marketplace

SC: You will be showcasing your wares in SL's ELEMENTS Jewelry Fair 2011 (September 16-25). This is your first fair. What kind of work has gone into you entering, creating, and preparing for this upcoming event?
EN: Whew! Preparation for this fair has been arduous, more mental and emotional than physical. My excitement grew butterflies, which caused doubt as to whether I could pull this off, but with a little optimism from friends I stay focused. Once the inspiration for my theme came to me, there was still a matter of choosing a variety of pieces; for this task, I enlisted friends. With my selection of pieces, my brightly-colored backdrops creating my boards came easily—not quickly, but easily.

SC: Every journey has some lessons. What are the lessons you've learned since you embarked on this creative journey in SL?
EN: I learned that perseverance has its rewards. I had to be diligent, humble, and willing to learn from those around me. I developed tough skin to where negativity couldn’t break me but not so tough where potentially helpful criticism couldn’t push me to grow. Even after two years in-world, I feel my creative journey is just beginning and I look forward to new things to come.

Click image to purchase on Marketplace

SC: Let's forecast a bit. In this next year, what should we plan on seeing from you?
EN: One word for next year…NEWNESS. I am always creating, so there will always be new items on the market. I hope that positive exposure can create momentum that I can transform into being a SL home name or at least into an active main store. As far as products, more of everything: rings, earrings, bangles and necklace sets. I plan to experiment more with sculpts, bolder brighter colors (if possible) and shapes. I am looking to expand, so in the coming year, I will invest in more promotions, fairs and people that can help facilitate growth. Earth’s Bangles will only get bigger and better, stay tuned!

Want to see more of Earth's creations? Then check out her store IN-WORLD...and...better yet, check her out at SL's ELEMENTS Jewelry Fair 2001!

Me rockin' one of my fave pairs of earrings from Earth Nirvana: Ornami Drop - Silver


  1. Woot! Woot! Awesome Shon. Thank you for this opportunity to share a little bit more of myself with others. It has truly been my pleasure.

  2. Aww, thank YOU! I enjoyed doing the interview and giving you and your great jewelry some shine!


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