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Friday, September 23, 2011

SPOTLIGHT FEATURE-Move over Bunnies and Horses, a new technology is in town. From the creators of Shark Club Gaming comes a new concept in virtual world technology; Buildables. Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Lanai: Batrastard, thank you for taking the time out to show me this very interesting project you have been working on. With beta in its final phase, it is time to let the robot out of the bag and introduce SLE readers to "Buildables". You have teleported me to the secret location on a couple of occasions and I got to browse the collection.  I must say, this new concept is very impressive. I can’t wait to see them hit the market and in the hands of many avatars across the grid.  When will they be available to avatars?

 Batrastard: Thank you so much for the compliment!  And on behalf of the whole "Sharkclub" team, it is much appreciated!   Beta is planned to end on Sat. Sept. 24th.  Then we will take a couple days to get some last minute things in order, set up vendors, and such, than open the sim to the public on Wed. Sept. 28th!  We might take an extra day, so don't hold it against me if we have to open on the 29th!

Lanai: Too bad you banned me from taking any pictures early on and I don’t want to say too much but, from the dinosaur with a horse dangling from its jaws to the mechanical scorpion, teddy bears and other cool robots,  what I witnessed for myself was something that I’m sure will create a firestorm in the breedable market.  What makes them different from the current breedables available?

Batrastard:  First off, I would like to say I have respect for the companies out there that started and thrived in those markets.  Some did a great job.  Kudos.

  I listened to the concerns of many people using those systems, and took note of all they had to say.  We then tried to design a system that had more diversity, a longer life span through constant change, high quality textures and designs, as well as more ways to design a FUN, interesting and challenging system for people to "toy" with.  Also, we are trying to create a HUGE variety of "BUILDABLES" for people of all genres, and creating some very different methods and business ideas within the system.

  In my personal opinion, there were too many systems out there that basically all worked exactly the same.   Thanks to someone actually releasing the code that allowed anyone the ability to create a "breedable", the market simply got flooded.  People seem to have gotten a little bored, and with so many coming out that just don't seem too exciting after the initial rush, they were shying away and selling off their inventory, that is if they could sell them at all.  And from listening to those users, they were looking for something they could participate in that would bring the fun and creativity back into this market as well as Second Life.

Lanai: I didn’t get to meet the rest of the "Buildables" team, who are the other creators responsible for these "Buildables"?

Batrastard:  This is where I would like to introduce an amazing couple of gentlemen!  "Shane Nielson" is the main scripter for all of Sharkclub’s recent products and the mastermind behind the scripting madness that is "Buildables"!  Shane has been in world for over 5 years now, and has gone through and seen many phases of Second Life.  One of the nicest, most chill guys I have ever met!

  Then I come to the genius behind the actual builds and the beautiful graphics that makes 'Buildables" a one of a kind product!   "Aries Westland" is quite a creative 'lil genius I must say.  Aries has been in world for almost 4 years now, and I got really lucky and blessed when I met him!  I work with him on designs for all of our products, but he is the one that actually "puts it on paper" so to say! 

Lanai: During my tour, you explained how to recharge them and shared a little bit about how Buildables owners can create other robots.  Can you explain what Buildables are, their capabilities, and how avatars can create others?

Batrastard: This system is based on robots that mine for different materials, that they then use to "build' new bots.  Once they have 100% of one or more materials, you can send them to the building pods with a similar bot that also has 100% of one or more materials.

The building pod system will then calculate the "level" combined with the "XP" and "materials", and then it chooses a random bot from the database within certain score ranges, and then actually "builds" a new bot right before your eyes!

All the bots have different levels they can achieve which also makes a very creative way to blend bots that are able to build together to open new robots.  There are regular sized, as well as a line of minis.  You need two similar bots to build a new bot.  Two similar bots can create any new bot, including minis......but only minis can build with "like" minis.  This creates another level of "collectible" value to the system.  Match that with a wide variety of color, different bots, and an ever changing variety of bot combinations, we hopefully have something many different users will like.

Lanai: Creating projects and putting them in the Second Life market can be a long process for those not familiar with content creating in a virtual world. How long did it take you to complete this concept?

Batrastard: Well the initial concept has taken the three of us about 2 months working many many countless hours and sleepless nights....forgive me to those I was grouchy at due to lack of sleep!  The difference in this system is that we will never truly ever be "done"!  Since we are able to design new bots to enter into all levels of the system, it creates more work than we care to think about!  But it most assuredly WILL be fun!

Lanai: How many and what types of Buildables are currently available?


  Well when the system is released there will be hundreds of bots and variants, and varieties already in the system.  But the thing need to work to get them!  We will always be creating new and cool bots, and using some guest builders from time to time to bring in new and fresh ideas from a different perspective.

Lanai: Where can I purchase my start up kit?

Batrastard: At the new SharkClub Buildables sim located at the following SLURL

We will also be debuting the website at   This will be a great source of information as well as a way to communicate with other users and make new friends!

Lanai: I wish you the best of luck, thank you for sharing this valuable information about Buildables and I look forward to following up on you in the future.

Batrastard:  Thank you so much for your time and the interest in "Buildables"!  We look forward to the fun we think this will bring to Second Life and its users!


  1. Wooow i am looking forward to the release of the Buildables.
    Making some room by selling my dogs LOL

  2. This isn't first breedable robots..there are others out there. Good luck guys, breedables is a crazy market.


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