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Thursday, September 22, 2011

Linda Lauren’s Hostage in Time Book launch Party at NYC’s most haunted house Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Thursday, September 15, 2011- I took a trip to NYC to Linda Lauren’s book Launch at The Merchant’s  House Museum,  located on 29 East Fourth Street, in NY, New York. It was the perfect setting for this book because it is known as the most haunted house in New York City.  

The ride to NY from Pennsylvania wasn’t that bad, until reaching the Holland tunnel. That is when it felts like 20 lanes of buses, trucks and cars were trying to squeeze into 2 narrow lanes into the tunnel.  Taking Dramamine saved me from a panic attack, severe motion sickness and embarrassing episodes of losing it in public .

It was great to see Linda and her assistant Susan.  After being greeted by them and getting my copy of The Hostage in Time book, I wandered around to take some pictures inside this interesting house. 

I’m no skeptic when it comes to the paranormal or experiencing things that would freak out an average non- believer.  I just didn’t want anything popping out at me because I don’t like that type of scare.

 I did however hear some footsteps downstairs in a hallway near the family room and kitchen area.  This was where Linda told me it is most haunted.  I wasn’t alone when I heard it for a second time and asked one of the guides if I could enter the back room where some noise seemed to come from.  When I went inside, no one was there.  

After enjoying some of the refreshments of the period and the Q & A session with Linda about her book Hostage in Time”, she shared some information and answered questions from guests.  Before I knew it, it was time to head back home, with my signed copy.

 Be sure to get your copy, it is a great book for those that are into a good paranormal mystery with a love story twist that taking you back in time to the 1800’s.

Find out more about Linda Lauren at

The Merchant’s House Museum Info

For a little bit of history on this house, it was built in 1832 and was occupied by a wealthy merchant family for nearly 100 years.  Preserved intact, with the original furnishings and personal processions of the Tredwell family, it gives visitors a glimpse of what life was like during  1835 to 1865. Gertrude Tredwell, the youngest of 8 children in the family, was never married and was the last to live in the house until her death in an upstairs bedroom, back in 1933. In 1936, it was saved from demolition by a cousin who saw the historical value. He started a foundation to preserve it’s history and it opened up as a museum.

 It is rumored that she died in the same bed she was born in and still roams the house today.

Ghost tours available here :  

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