One of the better things about being Stacey is that I stumble into cool things now and then. For instance, I was Puckette of the Month once. That may be no great shakes to you, but it got me the gift certificate I cashed in today.
While I was cashing it in, I liked the place a lot, and decided to feature it.
I am technically the Sports and Leisure editor of this fine publication, and people often underestimate the Leisure part. You shouldn't have to worry about Leisure, but it pays to do so. One wasted Saturday spent shopping for/planting roses sucks pretty hard that particular Saturday... but if you do it well, you will enjoy numerous awesome Saturdays sitting beside them.
Of course, if you like roses, you may even enjoy the shopping aspect of it. Even more gooder.
My travels took me to Wicked Garden. While I am aware that it is a Stone Temple Pilots song and I almost sampled some lyrics for the article title, it's pretty much the opposite of wicked. It was one of the more relaxing shopping experiences I've had in a while.
They sell home and garden items, and it is a quiet, two story business located off a beach. They sell candle, roses, floating daisies, teddy bears, sunflowers growing out of watering cans, stained glass, and all of those other subtle little touches that make a home a home. I'll let you see the whole thing for yourself, but it's a nice spot, trust me.
It is run by Ella Goldblatt, who started the business in 2007. She got into her particular line of work for the same reason that I hear very often when interviewing business owners... "I was looking for stuff, and I didn't like what was being made on SL... so I started making my own."
Ella would love for you to come to Wicked Garden, which is located here. I'd recommend leaving the guys at home, because men just get in the way when you go to places like Wicked Garden. It actually set off an instinct wives of big men have (my husband has struck his own head on a ceiling fan IRL), ie "I can't bring my husband in here, he'll break something."
It's almost football season anyhow, so just come here when he is busy watching that. There are many who say that God is a woman, and that She created football so that women can shop at places like Wicked Garden wiithout being disturbed.
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