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Sunday, August 7, 2011

Get Lost!

Stacey can tell you with perfectly clear 20/20 hindsight that you don't want to try a virtual maze right after smoking up a bit of the sticky-icky-icky.

Gambling is illegal on SL, but performing a task for a potential reward isn't. I think. If you believe that statement, you may want to head down to The Crystal Maze.

TCM is what it says it is. It's a Crystal Maze. The catch is that you pay 20 Ls to try it, and can win 1000 Ls if you complete it.

Even without the drug use, I had sort of resigned myself to losing 20 Ls. I'm a bit of a ditz, and I get lost pretty much all the time when I drive anywhere that I don't go to that often. I still get lost in Boston IRL, and I've been living in Massachusetts for a while.

But nothing ventured, nothing gained, eh?

The maze is a series of crystal walls. Some are impassable, or "most" are impassable if you happen to be a dumb sportswriter. You have to negotiate the maze in 3 minutes, and collect all of the notecards they have in various spots. If you do that (and if you join their group) you can win the 1000 Ls.

I think there were 10 boxes. I found about, like, one of them. Ya can't win 'em all, and the 20 Ls is tax deductible. I's a writer and all.

You most likely are better at this than I am, so you stand a better chance of collecting the 1000 Ls. Go on down and test your sense of direction!

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