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Thursday, July 14, 2011


Stacey thinks that she could deal with this...

Versailles is a magnificent chateau 20 km outside of Paris. When Louis XIV moved there, it became the centre of French political power. If you're making a list of the best houses on Earth, you're starting either at the Taj Mahal or here.

Here are some stats. 67,000 sq feet of flooring, 2300 windows, 700 rooms, 67 staircases, price = priceless.

It's pretty cool that someone on SL decided to build a Versailles. This place makes the White House look like a shotgun shack. It takes up pretty much a continent's worth of sim.

I actually walked in, looked around a bit, took that picture you see at the top of the article... and then I got lost, and I couldn't find my way back outside. I say this as a Good Thing.

Whoever put this place together put forth a LOT of effort. It is a mammoth structure, maybe 10 city blocks. It's large enough that it would take one days to explore it properly.

I heartily recommend doing so. Start off at this landmark I'm giving you. It's a mall, but you should be able to find the Chateau easily enough... it's the Rhode Island-sized house.

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