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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

SLE News- The SL Enquirer Media Center is back in the Destination Guide! Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

After attempting to submit our destination request to The Official Second Life website and having human errors in the submission process, we are happy to announce SLE can now be found in the Media & TV Section, once again!  Be sure to take a tour of the center and find out more about what we can do for you.

Tips for your Tour:

Welcome to virtual world of Media in “SLebrity” Style!  Be sure to wear sunglasses so you are not blinded by the flashing lights from the swarm of paparazzi that will surround you.  

Your tour will begin on the red carpet at the main entrance of The SL Enquirer Media Center.  Enter the lobby through a corridor with offices on both sides, you will find information about our news and advertising opportunities. If you have a note or press release, you can drop it off in our in-world mailbox or email us directly at

Be sure to look around, you will find glass cases that contain valuable artifacts collected by Lanai through the years.

Continuing with the tour, immediately to your left you can walk thru the lobby into an open courtyard with a stage. This space is available for concerts and special events sponsored by the SL Enquirer.  To keep up with our events you can join the SL enquirer media group or subscribe to our website for the latest news and alerts.

 If you continue up the spiral stairs to the 2nd floor, you will see the official SLE Spotlight Interviews Set and Photo studio.   Feel free to try out our Photolife studio, created by OomPoppaMowMow Snookums.

The 3rd floor is SLE’s Rooftop Chill Lounge where SLE Sponsored Parties happen. Be sure to join us every first Tuesday of the month from 7-9pm SLT, BSR Radio’s DJ Marjorie Dibou is broadcasting live!

   Take any of the Red London Style Phone booth’s you see at our location, it will take you quick and easily to different areas of the media center!

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome, and congratz! The SL Enquirer offices are great, but I didn't know about the photo studio and all. I'm going to have another peek!


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