Black Soul Rhythms Radio, the Second Life Enquirer, and the Role Play Nexus announce a Role Play Mashup on Tuesday, August 3, 2011, from 7:00 to 9:00pm in the Chill Lounge at the SL Enquirer Media Center.
Hostess Charity Richez will make everyone at home, and DJ Dibou will spin the tunes and take requests.
7:30 Special Performance by Lance Rembrandt of his debut song 'Long Hair" featuring mista Freezy aka Joker's Wild! Don't Miss this event.
Come dance, watch the fun, or join in team competitions among the role play genres of Beam, Blade, Bullet, and Fang! Trivia questions about grid-based and other role playing games, a team scavenger hunt in role play venues, team dance competitions, and a genre smackdown will be among the events. Live video and chat links arranged by Cursa Charisma of the Role Play Nexus will connect surprise venues in this first-ever Role Play Mashup.
Come in costume or as you like, and join the team events or just watch the fun. Lanai Jarrico will do a spotlight feature in SLE on a lucky drawing winner. Every guest will receive a door prize package full of cool, fashionable, and useful goodies. Don't miss out!
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