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Sunday, July 31, 2011


There are millions of talented performers in the world. Some play covers. Some play all originals. Some play both. When iTunes first hit the scene, it offered original artists, mainly the very well known, a great new way to get their music out to the masses on a solid, marketed platform with a huge name behind it. The problem was and remains, how does an unknown, independent artist get clearance to also sell their recorded cover tunes of the artists they love and admire? Well, Copyright Law is very strict! Compulsory Licensing, required for any artist selling any cover, can be obtained, but it's not always an easy process. Furthermore, royalties must be paid to the Copyright holder(s) which means even more leg work… and paperwork.
Introducing MetaTunes!


The essence of MetaTunes is to streamline this process and make it very easy and inexpensive to begin selling your cover tunes. The process is very simple: You register on the MetaTunes website, fill out a few items to complete your profile, upload your songs and choose how many copies of your cover song you would like to license for sale. The cost for the licensing is incredibly cheap through MetaTunes (and required by Copyright Law) and MetaTunes has taken care of all the steps that would be required if you wanted to license the song(s) on your own. Once you've quickly completed the registration process, your song(s) will be uploaded and posted for sale on the MetaTunes Music Store! Then it's only a matter of getting the word out to your fans that they can now purchase your covers on the MetaTunes Music Store… easily and 100% LEGALLY!

FOR ORIGINAL ARTISTS:If you are the original copyright holder, meaning it's your own music and you hold all the rights, then you won't have to worry about obtaining the compulsory licensing. You just need to join, post your music, spread the word and collect on sales!
All songs uploaded and cleared the the appropriate legal channels and are set for sale on the MetaTunes Music Store, available for purchase by members of MetaTunes. Artists no longer have to worry about the legal requirements to obtain licensing. MetaTunes has taken care of it for you.

FOR FANS:Fans can also join and enjoy the social network side of MetaTunes. Membership is free. Once joined, fans can begin interacting with each other and with the artists they love and support and of course, purchase those cover tunes from their favorite performers they've been listening to for so long.
While the website is still very much in Beta, artists are urged to join now to get in early and benefit. The same holds true for fans.
The website is located at Joining is Free. This looks like a good thing, a solid outlet for many artists to take advantage of this newer business model that can truly benefit them.

MetaTunes has arrived!

Seth Regan - Vice President MetaTunes
Mankind Tracer in Second Life

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