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Friday, July 29, 2011

FEED A SMILE- Live and Learn in Kenya NGO- Joins us at the Lavender Field on Friday, July 29th Starting at 1pm SLT to celebrate our 1st Anniversary DJ Event! Continues Saturday 8am – 4am Sunday!

“Live and Learn in Kenya NGO” is based in Selb, Germany. “Live and Learn in Kenya International NGO” is its "daughter" organization in Kenya and is a registered non-profit, charity organization.

What is it about?

Desolation, hunger and thirst, poverty beyond comprehension, illiteracy, AIDS, child prostitution, child brides - this is what rules the lives of the people - especially the children - living within the Rhonda Slums of Nakuru, Kenya. Live and Learn in Kenya is changing this - day for day - child for child.

Live and Learn in Kenya finds sponsors to finance the education of needy children, which includes everything that the child needs in order to go to school — fees, uniform, shoes, textbooks, school supplies.

We have a German-based medical/dental partner organization "Arzt- und Zahnarzthilfe Kenya" , that provides for medical and dental care — including quarterly check-ups and vaccinations.

Our feeding program is also a huge success. With our "Shared Joy" project we are able to assure nutritious warm lunches for nearly 500 children every day. All funds are donations.

100% of the donations are transferred directly to Kenya to care for the children, provide education, medicine, food, shelter and foster care. Nobody is earning a cent at Live and Learn in Kenya NGO.  Our professional staff in Kenya are paid through donations in order to insure a smooth running of the project - so that the children receive all that they should.

Live and Learn in Kenya in Second Life

Since January 2010 Live and Learn in Kenya NGO is also online in the Second Life virtual charity community – Nonprofit Commons. The managers of the Nonprofit Commons go through every detail of an organization’s registration form to assure itself that it really is a charitable non-profit organization and not a computer scam.  LLK operates from a virtual office where people can come in and inform themselves about our work in Kenya, look at photos and, if an LLK member is present, hold a conversation. There are real people behind all of the so-called avatars, so real conversations are held – as well as meetings – either by typing your message or by speaking over a microphone. A child in Kenya – the orphan, Veronica - has already been sponsored through a Second Life contact – which makes it all worthwhile. When you log in to Second Life type either Brique Topaz or Live and Learn in Kenya International in the Search.  LLK also belongs to the world-known organization Techsoup which also works in Second Life.

There's more information about Second Life in Wikipedia:

Teleport Now and donate to a child in need

1 comment:

  1. Virtual offices are really great since you can give jobs to other people in the world. Thanks.


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