I played tennis in high school. I was the third singles player, though I made it up to first by my senior year. I had certain flaws to my game that kept me from playing in college, but I got 4 letters for it in high school.
My winning percentage was OK if I stuck to playing the girls from the less wealthy towns surrounding us, as tennis is sort of the anti-boxing in that rich people tend to be better at it for some reason that may never be made apparent to me. Eventually, I'd play some other rich brat, and she'd generally wipe the court up with me.
I'm in good enough shape, but I have no backhand, and I can be overpowered. It was best that I peaked in high school.
I've been looking for tennis on SL, but my search is over. I discovered the All Pro Tennis Stadium. I was also lucky enough to have Draxamus Eros as a guide/coach.
They have a nice little grass court, and the game is super easy to play. That landmark above gets you near the table with any information you need, and you can get started fairly quickly. The racquet is free, and the court is all yours if nothing is scheduled.
They have two ways to play. You can bring a friend or take on someone who shows up while you're there. They also have tournaments, which I'll get to in a moment. The handy thing for me is that they have Practice Mode, where you can just volley against the computer. It's very handy, because- as easy it is to pick up- tennis takes a while to master.
I got my virtual ass handed to me when I played Mr. Eros, although I did manage some sustained volley and even took a point or two. He beat me down pretty well, however. Just like high school, I have no backhand game whatsoever.
If you want to check out people playing who know what they're doing, come by today. They are having a 2000 Linden tournament. If you get there early enough, you can jump into it yourself. Who knows? You may be the next Sharapova.
The tournament should be going on all day, so go on by and see some tennis. If your luck stinks, I might even whip your candyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ass.
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