I went to a lovely wedding today, and I thought I'd share some of it with you.
Jodie and Kiki tied the knot today in front of their closest friends and one media person who just happened to know some people. They got a nice June Saturday for the wedding, and no rain fell on the affair today.
I know a girl who got married outdoors on Cape Cod during the arrival of a tropical storm, so never take a sunny June wedding for granted. I saw $10,000 worth of hairstyling ruined, although a human wall leading into and out of the reception managed to keep the bride in order.
Girl-Girl weddings are always nice, IMHO. Generally, guys don't like weddings... they endure them. My husband just set his mind to letting me and my sisters/friends put him here and tell him to do this. They hate the tuxedo, could care less about the flowers, and the reception is merely where the booze is kept. They sort of redeem themselves on the honeymoon, but I am getting ahead of the conversation now.
With GG weddings, you get two dresses, two sets of bridesmaids, 100% investment in the ceremony, and, of course, two blushing brides. As the guests tend to be all-girl as well, you also get 100% attention paid to the proceddings. No one had an IPod on, and no one was lingering at the reception's bar to catch the 7th inning and so forth.
Well... almost no one... yours truly IS a sportswriter, after all.
I was very impressed with the ceremony. It was non-denominational, as a lot of religions are still in the Dark Ages regarding the GG wedding. The person in charge was a Ceremonial Minister, named Illibrio. The wedding vows contained some Ingersoll...."The place to be happy is here... the time to be happy is now."
As you can see from my priest's eye camera view, the brides were lovely. While the photographer at my own wedding sort of ranged about and even bossed the priest around, I felt a compulsion to sit towards the back and not risk any movement. I didn't want to lag-walk onto the altar or anything. I kept still, and this lovely wedding went off with no ugliness. Everyone seemed to have a good time.
Jodie and Kiki went to and from the wedding in an open carriage drawn by two ponygirls, which was a first for me. It was classier than it sounds. The ponygirls were from Wild Pony Stables, if you ever want to liven up an event. They either practice a lot or had a smooth animation, because they rolled up just as pretty as you please. Jodi ad Kiki disembarked, and strolled up the red carpet to meet their shared destinies.
After the vows were spoken, the rings were passed, and the ceremony was complete, I went to the club nearby for some dancing and toasts. I had to get myself some wedding cake, as i am weak at heart and need chocolate at any wedding. I even enjoy virtual chocolate, which is probably a bad sign for my future. The reception was held here, and you can do worse for a wedding locale.
In closing, I want to wish Jodie and Kiki nothing but the best as they start down the River Of Life together. Two heads are better than one, and these two in particular look pretty good together.
Was a beautiful ceremony with a most lovely couple. BTW the ponies were Zaphod Plutonian and Daniella Zenoria. From Bondage City (Hobbled Hoof Stables) and from PPP/LMR Stables.