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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Virtual Basketball Starting Up Soon

Stacey paid a visit to a Celtics practice as they prepared for the upcoming VBA season.

The VBA is the Virtual Basketball Association. They are just about to open up for business, and the players are getting their game together. The VBA has 12 teams, and I chose the Celtics because I root for the Boston Celtics in real life. Anything else would have me feeling guilty.

The Celtics are a part of the greater good that is the Sigma Upsilon Nu SL Sorority. They own the team. The arena is known as the Sigma Multiplex, Home Of The VBA Celtics. The owners are Angel McMullen and Cleopatra Kellman, and they were nice enough to show me around the place.

The Sigma Multiplex has three levels. The main level is the court itself, some shopping kiosks, and the bleachers. Upstairs, you have the corporate sponsor boxes, which affords the sponsors of the team with the privilege of watching the game in their own little living room. The upper level is a restaurant/bar/function room which, like the corporate sponsor boxes, have a splendid view of the court. I may end up making my personal office here, as it is currently the WELCOME desk at Divas.

I'd highly recommend going down to catch a game once they open up the shop. You can tour and shop presently. One scrimmage, widely viewed among Sports Insiders like myself as a test run, drew 50 people.
The Celtics are very well-run. They have already had some team functions, like their Lupus fundraiser. They were also present at the SLCS Sports Expo, where I made my connections for this interview.

If you'd like to play, I'd recommend going to the Celtics arena and asking one of the players to sign you up. The VBA and the Celtics have a fangroup you can join, which will send out announcements with VBA info.

It's an easy enough game to play. You get an attachment, and use mouselook, the left-click, and some of the keyboard. The guys played some 1-on-1 for me, and they were shooting jumpers and taking it to the hoop for dunks.

I'll be back with a VBA update as they get closer to opening their regular season, but I just wanted to use this space to let you know that someone has indeed put together a SL NBA, and you can get in on the ground floor.

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