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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Spotlight on Artist Carl Wellington a.k.a Presi Resident Cynamon Pearl Reporting...

It is not uncommon for the avid Second Life player to have a professional photo taken to show off their avatar, the goal being to add a little pizzazz to their profile. Let’s face it anyone who possesses their own unique sense of style strives to be original. In Second Life’s thriving community a plethora of novice photographers on the Grid can easily take a snapshot, it’s not difficult. Yet, just like real life in Second Life a little extra edge can make your profile stand out. Since last summer, when Morphs became the rave, Second Life residents clambered to have their avatar’s head photo-shopped on a real life porn star’s body.

The problem now is it’s too difficult to distinguish between a morph photo and a real life photo. In essence, our avis are just becoming too close to real life. I admit, I really liked Morphs in the beginning and even have one in my inventory, however I felt guilty when Graphic artists would ask me why Beyonce’s body was on my profile. It was one thing to tell me how utterly un-creative it is, and another for me to feel un-original. Originality is what sets us apart, and highlights our most unique features. Recently a friend introduced me to Carl Wellington or a.k.a Presi Resident a real life artist hailing from the Caribbean island of Jamaica. Presi has only been on the Grid for two months yet is already co-owner of Devious Designs mainstore. Although, Devious Designs hasn’t had its official launch yet with the art gallery up and running its really creating a buzz. This very talented artist/business owner brings his gift to the Second life grid drawing in all sorts of different styles.

With having a real life artist the ability to create your own image are much more hands on for the clientele customizing your tastes in an original format. Presi draws free hand, sketches and paintings then scans them and then frames them for his gallery. The work he does is incredibly detailed capturing an indelible image in Second life culture. In fact, Presi draws various different images and the advantage is because he is translating what he sees it allows him to be versatile.

 His gallery displays an artistic range from exotic fruit, and portraits of Barack Obama to erotic poses. That’s not all; Presi designs custom tattoos, cards and portraits. I was very impressed by the level of skill and detail that he puts into his work. Presi’s cool and laid back island attitude makes him exceptionally approachable that he will make anyone feel like a cool Caribbean breeze. You can find him in-world usually at the devious mainstore.

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