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Monday, June 6, 2011

SPOTLIGHT FEATURE: Krazy Kittys are breedable pets that have becoming very popular here in Second Life, especially amongst Cat lovers. Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

 Unfortunately I have my hands full with my Blooming Butterflies, but for cat lovers, these breedable Krazy Kittys are a perfect addition to their humble abode. Besides that, I think every virtual neighborhood should have a cat lady or guy with a yard full of curious and adorable kittys scampering about. Just as long as they are being cared for with food and water like all of the breedables in Second Life. Since I haven’t had hands on experience with these Krazy Kittys, Twstd Ruggles filled me in on some great information about these furry little pets.


Lanai: Hi Twstd, it’s great to see you again and glad you can answer some questions about these feline friends. Who created these Krazy Kittys?

Twstd Ruggles: Well it started when my good friend Ziggy21 Slade asked if my company LZ Productions would script them to be breedable pets. So together, he and I and my partner and scripter Abu Ashby created the cute little breedable critters.

Lanai: With Blooming Butterflies on the rise, would you say the Krazy Kittys are getting about the same attention?

Twstd: Well I think there are possibly more Cat fans in SL than there are Butterfly fans so I think Krazy Kittys will always be a favorite for all. I think its easier to have an emotional attachment to a cute kitty than it is to a butterfly which i think draws more people to them more.

Lanai: Can you walk me through the process of raising and breeding these Kittys?
Twstd: The kittys are sold in our vendors at Level 1, the beginning. We do have a market area where a lot of our customers sell their older and upper level kittys. Kittys need 4 essentials to keep in good healthy condition for breeding. They must eat, sleep, have a toy and be pet every day. Without the 3 you kitty can fall sick and not be able to mate with another kitty. After 7 days of good health your kittys are qualified to mate which is done manually when you click on the 2 kittys you want to pair up and select "Mate". The kittys go do the bed and do the humpty dance and tadaaa the female is pregnant.  Approximately 24 hours she will give birth to a litter anywhere from 2 to 4 kittys. Like the butterflies only way to birth an ultra rare is to mate 2 Natural kittys together.

Lanai: Unlike the butterflies that must go thru a metamorphosis stage to become mature for breeding, how do you begin the process with Krazy Kittys?

Twstd: Kittys only take 7 days to be full grown size. Each day the grow a little bigger. When they are born on their beds they are wrapped in cute little blankets. Clicking them wakes them and releases them from the blanket.

Lanai: What does the starter kit include?
Twstd: You get two Level 1 kittys food, toy and bed.

Lanai: Can you choose the breed of Kittys you would like to multiply or will the outcomes be random?
Twstd: well you can start from beginning and work you way up from level 1 or you can go buy one directly from someone has the level you want already. We are currently at level 7 and our customers are breeding like crazy trying to get to level 8 kittys so our system is open ended and we are always adding new breeds as well as ultra rares.

Lanai: Can you tell me about the different breeds available and the rares if any?
Twstd: We currently have 8 levels in our system and you can find photos of all levels at our store. There are many whimsicle ultra kittys as well such as Ultra II Navi, Ultra II Ninja, Ultra Biohazard, Ultra Zomby, Ultra America, Ultra Marry Me and many many more.

Lanai: Just like with the Blooming Butterflies and other breedables, Avid breeders have an interest in selling rares to make a living in Second Life, can you tell me what has been the highest priced Kitty so far and how often do you see them?
Twstd: I think the highest priced kitty I heard was when we first released the kittys to the public and people were buying them for as high as 40,000L. Could be higher as I didn't always keep up with the market because it changes so much over the months.

Lanai: Are their additional accessories that can be purchased for these Kittys?
Twstd: Yes there is catnip which gives it an extra boost in its health which gives the kitty better chance at having larger sized litters. We also have a line of designer beds and its great to see so many of our customers and friends making products and accessories for our kittys as well.

Lanai: We all know how curious cats can be, how active are they and do they interact with other cats in the virtual neighborhood?
Twstd: Yes i would say they are quite curious and even mischivious at times. Seems hide and seek is one of their favorite games. :)

Lanai: Can they breed with other Kittys not belonging to the owner?
Twstd: No they can't.

Lanai: Where can Avatars go to purchase their Krazy Kittys starter kit?

Twstd: At Krazy Kitty Island.

Lanai: If there are every any problems breeding them, who can avatars contact for customer service support?

Twstd: We have a group called Krazy Kittys- Breedable Pets and we have CSR's on standby waiting to help everyday. We also keep a staff board at our store so you can see who is online and available to help. Of course myself, or my partners Abu Ashby and Ziggy21 Slade.

Lanai: Do you have additional information you would like to share?

Twstd: If anyone ims me in world and says SL Enquirer sent me, they can receive and starter pack of kittys or butterflies.

Lanai: That's awesome,Thank you for the valuable information on these Krazy Kittys and the Blooming Butterflies too. These are a great way to have something fun to do in Second Life, besides shopping, clubbing, dating and making prim babies! Not that those aren’t fun ways to spent time in Second Life.

Lanai Jarrico

CEO & President, The SL Enquirer

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