It is birthday time in Second Life. The theme for this year’s birthday celebrations is “The Magic of SL” – which LL describes as being “about that moment when we realized how amazing Second Life really is. It’s when we found our own personal connections to Second Life, realizing its potential in our own lives and the lives of other Residents. Whether it’s the social aspect, the content creation possibilities, or unique business and commerce opportunities, we’ve all got a tale of Second Life magic to share.”
I was lucky enough to get a sneak peek at the sims before they open to the public tomorrow , 20th June 2011 @ 10.30am SLT.
I have to admit to being blown away by what the exhibitors have done this year and would encourage you to find some time to see for yourself. The best way to see the stands is in a SL8B tour pod made by Yavanna Llanfair. You can pick one up just next to the welcome centre which was built by Myopic Mole. There are tours for both the east and west sims, both leaving from the same point.

In my meanderings I came across the Cognitive Conjuring stand built by Aticca Bekkers and some of her friends. Aticca for me epitomises all that is good about SL and makes it credible. She told me “The magic of SL is sometimes in the choices we make and the many many paths we have to choose from. For me the special magic of SL is how it makes a RL disability visible or invisible at the resident’s discretion, it is the Ultimate conjuring trick and it is a path I have explored often.” You see the human behind Attica is dyslexic, suffers from Agoraphobia and she battles to walk in the real world, but here in SL she has the opportunity to be all she can be and she has chosen to do exactly that and it is her mission for others to be the same.
Visit the amazing birthday cake which has been built by Tao Mistwalker and his team and also hosts the cake stage, where you can dance IN cake!
On the 23rd June @ 11am, Kim Linden will officially open the celebrations and this will take place at The Main Stage.
Go and have a look for yourself, you will have fun, there is something for everyone. Let the magic that is SL continue ...
Here's the LM for the Welcome Area:
See you there.
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