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Monday, June 20, 2011

Second Life Celebrates 8 years

Second Life celebrates 8 years this week and the Birthday bash kicks off starting on June 20th 2011 at 10:30am. As a contributor for the Second Life Enquirer I was granted advanced access to observe and preview the set up and let me just say Linden Labs has much to be proud of. Now that Second Life enters its eighth year it is apparent how far the virtual world has come. The scope of this event is epic consisting of 700 contributors.

During my two day preview I was able to get an up-close glimpse of some of the many exhibits; art pieces; Universities; and even countries. Yet, it would be impossible to take in all of the sites on foot so I took advantage of the “Pod” a virtual tour guide. There are so many venues to mention I actually came back a second time. Out of all of the venues I was most impressed by some Art exhibits. The amount of detail that makes these creations is truly outstanding. A piece called “Invisible” drew my attention to the destruction of the Tsunami in Japan and the devastation of the nuclear power plant in Fukushima. The artist, Kerupa Flow, explained the emotional meaning behind this evocative piece. Inside the exhibit is a building destroyed by water, then as you walk through a sense of destruction overtakes you, but you can teleport up and find a tranquil meditation area. The observer can access a freebie Japanese prayer gesture and bow while facing wall that reads “Pray like the Japanese” for thanks to people of the world. “This also symbolizes rebirth”, kerupa says. I was very moved by how virtual art and real life have magically emerged into metaverse. I am convinced that this is the precise meaning of the “magic” Linden Labs has intended.

My quest would not have been complete without finding the Second Life Birthday cake. It wasn’t exactly easy but I searched every corner finally finding this grand creation. The creators; Tao Mistwalker, Raven Haalan and Kell Babenco designed a four layered purple and white extravagant cake to celebrate the eight years of Second Life. This cake doesn’t disappoint, capturing the 'magic' of Second Life with an ethereal organic style, says one of the cakes creators, Tao Mistwalker.

In fact everything was so amazing I recommend every resident in Second Life come and explore to see something new and interesting. This is also an opportunity to get out and meet new faces. This is a great networking opportunity for Second Life entrepreneurs or just a day to celebrate and enjoy the festivities. Regardless of your reason to come out, just being here to take a look at how far Second Life has come and where we are going in the future.

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