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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Reader Video Submission: Outrageous Weirdiculous E-Harmony Bio Are you a cat lover? The SL Enquirer

It gets good at  0:59
Online Dating Services.

It is videos like this that introduce me to the real horrors of online matchmaking and hooking up. I was left bewildered at the content of this video even cried because the unintended humor was almost as good as Chris Crocker's infamous LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE! rant. I wonder if these two are related or at least know each other.

 Most people are old fashioned when it comes to finding that special someone. Using bars, churches, bowling alleys and funerals for potential hook up hotspots. Everyone is in search of the perfect other half that completes them.
In today's society we have been put in a certain mold with rules and guidelines, but no matter where you are in the world, sexual preferences, likes, dislikes, fetishes included; people will be who they are and somewhere around the world, Debbie from this E-Harmony Bio video, might just find a man that loves cats just as much as she does and Chris Crocker has moved on to other popstars to defend.

A bit of advice from The SL Enquirer to Debbie, Chris and potential SLE Outrageous Video stars, When creating videos for youtube posting or submitting to Dating Services, always keep in mind it is a viral platform with a global audience. For those looking for love with no luck, or a place to express yourself and be accepted as normal... Try Second Life's dating scene and other virtual enntertainment options.

You can even be the drop dead georgeous bombshell or the stud you always wanted to be. Maybe even purchase Kitty Kat breedables or hell, become a furry and do it like they do it on the discovery channel. At least here, you can have all the cats you want, put em in baskets, tie little bowties on them or put them on rainbows, It's your world. Your Imagination.

Over and out.

This Video was submitted by "D" from TSO.

*Special thanks to Debbie and Chris Crocker
Submit your favorite outrageous videos to The SL Enquirer with your Avie's Name, you will recieve a special prize if it gets posted! Funny captions and comments welcomed.

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