Wookitty Renfold, joined The Wire group recently and has blown me away with her Photography skills. Quite honestly it didn’t surprise me one bit. She has always been a great supporter and community oriented individual. Recently, I asked Woo (also known to friends as Woo-licious) how the photography was going. After viewing some of her work I was totally unaware that such talent had been right under my nose the entire time. Woo’s images are whimsical and imaginative really encapsulating the heart and story of the subject. In her own words Woo says...
“I like to look at people in pictures , they all have a hidden something , and posing for a photo shows a personality a lot don’t let show out. In SL people are more open and express themselves in characters and what better way to capture the character at its finest then is a static pose of their fantasy”.

And she is absolutely right people play second Life to live out their fantasies and when you have an artist-photographer who helps direct the intention to enhance that it makes the experience that much more enjoyable. You would think this would be the work of a skilled Graphic artist who is well versed in photo-shop, yet Woo’s drive comes from being self-taught. She specializes in using real props, angles and shadows...and not photo-shop. This is an advantage that she runs-with... the ability to highlight any given Role-Play idea.

“I think it helps that I can set up a background and an old tree throw some dark clouds and some dead brush and make a dark scene and the perfect still shot ... Role-play helps with the imagination .. I think it helps me with scene set up alot” .

The Woo-licious experience is an on site studio that covers weddings, couples, single photos and whatever else your imagination can conjure up. The photographer, Woo states...
“In RL people say smile and you smile and everyone looks so ....... positioned but in SL you don’t say smile you say ok what color are you going for? What look do you want? They say Demon or sexy or romantic or make me look hot... then I go from there”.
To sum it up Woo-licious studios really gives the client what they want. By providing the consumer with an image of their wildest fantasy it makes a declaration that clearly states you are anything but un-imaginative. Wookitty Renfold is available in-world for consultations.
Cynamon Pearl
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