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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Dive Write In: Olivia's Creepy Diner

As an author in real life and a writer here in SL, I'm always interested in places where I can sit, take out a laptop and get some writing in...or just places where I take in their ambience and

flavor, thereby getting my creative juices flowing and spurring me on to write.

The first time I saw a picture of Olivia's Creepy Diner in the Seokcheon region [SLURL], I knew I had to check it out

for myself. It looked like some seedy dive one might find in a sinister story. Needless to say, the place left me not particularly interested in eating (ever again), but it definitely gave me

enough of a spook factor to think about the type of story that could play out in a location such as it.

Any place with tumbleweed is a place I want to be.

As you can plainly see, a lovely -- albeit dead -- woman greets you upon your arrival to Olivia's. As a mystery novelist, I have to admit, there is a bit of excitement at this...perhaps I'll figure

out who did her in. I'mma stick around for a while.

My lovely hostess near the car...a pretty quiet hostess, actually

I will admit, your girl isn't all tough as nails. I was a bit scared at seeing a dead body, so I went to the pay phone, but...yeah, in this type of scene, you won't find one that works, and my

cell's battery was barely hanging on. I tried to call a friend, but the phone died before I could get a call through.

As I walked past the dumpster I told myself, "Do not look in there." I was pretty sure another body was housed in it. Was the only answer to the question that burned my brain as I stood in front of

it: "What the hell is smelling that bad?"

Realizing I was stuck here, I took a seat and hoped against hope that my friends would worry about me and drive around looking for me. But I knew that even if they did drive around, they would

never make it up this far; my friends don't travel this part of town. Not even to sit next to the classy flamingo here.

With the outside looking so, so inviting, I wasn't looking forward to going into the diner, but I actually saw someone inside as I took a seat beside the flamingo. I hoped she would help me make

contact with my friends. Oddly enough, she was gone when I stepped inside. The rats were there, however...and I'm not ashamed to say this...I threw up right on the floor--not like the floor minded.

You do not want to know what those rats were feasting on in that bucket.

I heard the ding of a bell and spun to face a serene-looking man whose soft voice and slow mannerisms made him appear kind. He wanted something to eat and although I didn't work there, I hopped the

counter and amidst the blood on the floor and dirt and grime, I stirred the pot, prepared to serve him the nasty dish.

I watched him eat, losing my religion while he sopped the soup with thick bread. I told him I had to go, that I had friends up the street waiting for me. I had grown tired...and unnerved with the

place and the quiet of the man whose eyes never left my face.

He didn't respond to my statement, so I took it as acknowledgment and made my way to the door.

As soon as I crossed through the doorway, I took off running. But I didn't get far. I heard a blast, then heard myself scream, then felt myself land hard on the ground.

I had been shot.

My eyes roamed about me, and I saw the man look at me once before running.

Slowly, slowly, I gathered all my energy to move into a sitting position and asked, "Why?"

When he turned to face me, he brandished a knife and I thought, OK, what are the odds of being shot and stabbed in one night?

I managed to crawl a bit before I got the nerve to stand and try to run.

But it appeared the odds were quite good that I would be shot and stabbed.

As a coolness claimed my body, I turned toward the man, and whispered, "Why?"

He laughed, nodded his head toward the dead woman near the car and said, "Who you think took her out?"

Weeks later...

After my hospital stay and some time to recover from my injuries, I'm not filled with as much animosity as I was when a passerby found me 30 minutes after the stabbing and got me to safety.

I can say I learned some things from going to Olivia's...most of them not good.

It's a dark, mysterious world there, a world that will keep you looking over your shoulder, wondering if anyone's watching you...and if they are, you'll be wondering if they mean to cause you harm.

Just the kind of place I like to set a good mystery.

If you decide to venture out to Olivia's Creepy Diner [SLURL], make sure you charge your phone, bring your own weapon,

and take some backup.

And while there, join the diner's group to learn about events that occur...who knows, maybe you can be part of the cool group and owner olivia55 Scarmon might, as she writes in the group

information, "even tell you where we get our burger meat."

1 comment:

  1. Cheers! I loved this story. Mysterious with a hint of funny. Fantastic writing. Shot and stabbed huh, rough night

    Write On!!


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