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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Advertising in The SL Enquirer- Got News? Get it Published!

The SL Enquirer Media Center

There is all kinds of News happening in Second Life. The SL Enquirer’s mission is to give exposure to anyone  that makes it their mission to provide news to residents about events, exceptional products and services.  We offer spotlight features, advertising and news coverage of events, with affordable prices.
Visit us in Second Life and take a tour of our virtual media center.

~Lanai Jarrico

 1 Week Ad Banner & Press Release Post
200x200 jpeg with url link
Event Press Release- 300L
1 Month Ad Banner-
 180x180 jpeg with url link- 1000L

Spotlight Feature
Get an article interview about you and your business/service, archived on our website. Includes 1 month 180x180jpeg banner on our Website -3000L

Event News Coverage...

A At least one week notice of Event to allow for journalist booking and confirmation. An SLE Journalist will be assigned to cover your event and post an article in the SL Enquirer. This includes promoting this event one week before event. (Supply your Promo Poster and press release)- * Includes 1 week promo ad banner placement.- 4000L

We also do fair trade Cross Promoting!
We are not being villainous barterers or driven by greed and outrageous demands. We like to work with people that work with us. If you are interested in cross promoting, contact Lanai Jarrico at

Cross promoting Guidelines
· Got a press release you would like posted? If you would like to submit a press release of your upcoming event/new product or service. We will honor and post your news in exchange for an SLE banner and News stand at your landing point or high traffic area. *Press releases should Include a supporting image 400x400 jpeg. SLURL and contact information. Submitted by Saturdays 5pm slt to * In world note card drop offs will not be accepted.
V* Please note: Business/Service/Website must be already established and generating visitor traffic to be considered fair trade cross promoting. *Sorry we will not cross promote with new businesses. See Spotlight Features .

Submission Deadlines are Saturdays by 5pm slt to ensure postings by Mondays.

Making Payments and ad renewals
Visit the SL Enquirer Media Center and Pay your ad board.
*For initial account start up, Contact Lanai Jarrico at

The SL Enquirer Media Center

*Advertising prices and promotions are subject to change. Last revise: 1-12-2012

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