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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Remember the Alamo!- Stacey Cardalines Reporting...

Stacey visits the Alamo, which is at the online campus of the University of Texas at Arlington.

A friend of mine (Lora Chadbourne) is a well-knows builder of historic things on SL. Her earlier works include Plimoth Plantation and the Mayflower. She even did the Apollo 11 sim I visited back in the day. When she told me she had a new sim opening May 3rd, I had to check it out.

What I found was a very detailed recreation of the Alamo. The Alamo, as you all-a-know, was a small fortress in Texas that was defended to the last by 260 or so brave souls, back in 1836 when Mexicans didn't want anything to do with America. "Remember the Alamo" became a famous battle-cry of the Texas Revolution.

Here's the notecard I got:

Please enjoy your visit, and feel free to explore the grounds. Many of the various objects, plaques, portraits and displays you will find here provide an informative notecard when touched. NOTE: For best results, please set your viewer to 'World - Environment Settings - Midnight' while visiting the Chapel interior.

This build is virtual, but the historic location upon which it is based is dear to the hearts of many. Therefore, please be respectful and considerate while in the Chapel -- like the real world Alamo, this place invokes the memory of many brave souls who died that day in 1836.

Streaming music is available throughout the grounds. Now playing is Carter Burwell's beautiful original score for 'The Alamo.' To enable music on your system, go to 'Edit - Preferences - Audio and Video' and enable streaming music, then click the arrow at the bottom right of your screen, next to the musical note icon.

The official site of the Alamo can be found at:

Designed to faithfully re-create the experience of touring the modern-day Alamo, this project was created with love and reverence by Lora Chadbourne, a native Texan who visited the original Shrine when she was 12 years old -- and while she has not yet managed a return, she knows it is high time she did. She loves the 2004 film 'The Alamo,' starring Billy Bob Thornton and Dennis Quaid.

This build was begun on March 4, 2011, and completed on April 7.

Lora's earlier historical builds in Second Life include a re-creation of the Mayflower, the 1621 Plymouth Settlement, and the Apollo 11 lunar landing site.

Many thanks to Sarah Jones, Campus Lead for Second Life at UT Arlington, for making this project possible.

(And a special thank you to Alexander Chronowire for helping to set up the streaming music and media.)

You can find the Alamo at the University of Texas-Arlington sim.

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