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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day On SL

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Second Life

Created by Meme Science
Basic Rules:
We ask visitors follow the basic guidelines for standard etiquette in Second Life. You are in a region marked as (PG), you should refrain from speech, behavior, sounds, or images which would not be acceptable to a general audience (similar to broadcast television or a PG rated movie). Attire is required at all times. Scripted objects or pushing are not allowed. Be courteous to fellow residents.

1. The 3 Servicemen Statue
2. The Vietnam Veterans Women’s Statue
3. The Wall – 58, 223 names of killed or missing

The Wall Directory - Teleporting to the exact location of a name you are looking for:
1. Walk up to and click on one of the four "Wall Directories" located on the sim
1. Type in Name
2. Type in Number for Name (if an exact or single match not found)
3. Click Teleport from the blue dialog that is displayed
4. Right Click the directory then click Teleport

The Wall Directory - Leaving an item at the wall:
1. Walk up to and click on one of the four "Wall Directories" located on the sim
1. Type in Name
2. Type in Number for Name (if an exact or single match not found)
3. Click Item from the blue dialog that is displayed
4. Another blue dialog is displayed with a list of items you may leave for the selected name. Click the button for the item you wish to leave.

Quick Notes for Video: (QuickTime enabled)
1. Stand within 10m of Video screen
2. Click on Video Play button (not the Music button)
3. Wait until Video downloads to auto-view (4 min. Video)

Quick Notes for audio Reading of the Names (Starts Nov. 7th at 1pm SLT)
1. Click on Music Play button to listen
2. Click off Music Play button to turn off.

Quick Notes for viewing the Names on the Wall:
1. You can use CTRL 0 to zoom into names
2. You can use CTRL 8 to zoom out of names
3. You can use Camera Controls to zoom in and out
4. You can use the Mouse View to zoom in and out (Escape then M)

The Companion Website - TheWallSl.Com
Visit The Wall's companion Web Site located at to view further information about The Wall, it's history, the company behind the build, the builders and partners involved with the building of The Wall Sim.

Up to date information on Events, Photos and Video can be found at the site as well.


At this time we are not accepting donations at The Wall sim, if someone solicits donations for The Wall please do not pay.

If you would like to help or give you please visit the following URL

You can donate Online or by Mail/Fax at the VVMF Website

Avatars at the Sim:
Lead Designer: Bleys Chevalier
Lead Development: Evian Argus
Conceptual Development: Corwin Chevalier

Evian Argus @ or

If you have any Questions, Problems or need assistance with a Security issue (Griefer, Harassment, etc) please contact one of the following avatars in-world:

Bleys Chevalier
Evian Argus
Corwin Chevalier

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