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Monday, April 18, 2011

SL ARTS & LITERATURE: “Act Up!" at The Lonely Yak Roadhouse

Don't do nothing because you can't do everything. Do something. Anything. ~ Colleen Patrick-Goudrea

When I first went to the Lonely Yak Roadhouse in Piper Point I felt at home right away.  There were people from my part of the corporeal world there, and we shared animated reminiscences of a local television legend from our childhood.  But it was more than that: friendly, whimsical, fun loving, excellent music and excellent company.  Then I spotted the poster in the corner for the Film Series and clicked to get the information note  and read the quote shown above at the beginning of the note.  Now I knew I had found kindred spirits.

There’s lots of room for all kinds of fun on the grid.  In most virtual Roadhouses “Acting Up” means explicit teasing in local chat, opening up your inventory and “gesturebating” till no one can see what’s on their screen for all the print; or knocking the scantily clad resident off the dance pole and exposing your “accessories.”  That would get you ejected from most clubs, and definitely from the Lonely Yak Roadhouse.  They advocate acting up of a different kind. The Lonely Yak Roadhouse presents the Act Up! Film Series. Every month Act Up! presents a film, followed by a chance for discussion.  It is the hope of the organizers that each film and discussion will educate and inspire those attending, and encourage compassionate and constructive involvement in their communities.  

Films are shown on the first Saturday of the month, beginning at 6pm SLT.  All points of view are welcome and encouraged.  Disrespect and intolerance are not. 

The film currently posted is the 2008 film FUEL Directed by Documentary Film maker Josh Tickell.  The film won a mass of awards including the Sundance Film Festival Audience Award, the Sedona Film Festival Most Compelling Documentary & Screenwriting Awards, the Gaia Film Festival Audience & Best Documentary Awards among others.

From the Sundance synopsis:
Most Americans know we’ve got a problem: an addiction to oil that taxes the environment, entangles us in costly foreign policies, and threatens the nation’s long-term stability. But few are informed or empowered enough to do much about it. Enter Josh Tickell, an expert young activist who, driven by his own emotionally charged motives, shuttles us on a revelatory, whirlwind journey to unravel this addiction—from its historical origins to political constructs that support it, to alternatives available now and the steps we can take to change things.

Now, to be honest, I was not able to confirm at press time whether this was the film shown on Saturday, April 2, or the one scheduled for Saturday, May 7.  But the surest way to find out is to show up in May and see what’s playing.  If the stories you seek are ones that lead to advocacy, and you enjoy engaging in informed and respectful debate on relevant issues, go to the Lonely Yak and get more information.  You can also connect with the good folks of the Lonely Yak on Facebook.

~ Caledonia Skytower, Reporting
“Any ink is good ink, even if it is virtual.”


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