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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tired of Crappy Customer Service, freebies and overkill product bombardment or people with big egos and attitude problems trying to stake claim to having the best establishment in SL? Let the SL Enquirer help you make the distinction between Quality and Excellence of Service and Bad Business tactics. - Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

I’ve spent a lot of time exploring Second life not just as a reporter, strip club enthusiast and shameless concert groupie but also as a customer.  I’ve purchased clothes, shoes, hair, Ao’s, dances, jewelry and many other accessories, toys, gizmos, gadgets  and whatnot throughout the years and for the most part, I’m greeted by someone or something  and loaded up with note cards at every place I go.  It is to be expected of most establishments here, otherwise how would the word get out to others without using media and news outlets, such as the SL Enquirer, BOSL, Imagine Magazine, Second Nights and others.
Business in Second Life is not like a real world business. Anyone can purchase or rent a land to build a store and plop a business on it. In the real world plenty of capital is needed, a physical location and a serious team of hard workers need to be implemented.   Even without the major capital, many SL businesses struggle with the lack of other required efforts.

 Note cards, Notices and Huds that give us information and landmarks isn’t necessarily a bad thing if it is not done in excess and the shop has a great business plan, team member cooperation and execution of   activities and tasks.  Otherwise an impatient avie like me feels pelted by too much information, most of the times not even reading the card unless I feel like the product has been well represented and the shop is in order.  Meaning, clutter free isles and minimal bright colors themes. I stay away from places like that because and don’t want to catch a panic attack or seizure due to the overwhelming supply of dusty merchandise laying around and scripted objects flashing and moving around.
With all that said, The SL Enquirer will be exploring the grid in search of those who need to be recognized for Excellence.  A prestigious award will be presented to those businesses that show these 4 Qualities. 

  • ·        Great Product and Service Presentation
  • ·         Exceptional Customer Service
  • ·         Experience in Business
  • ·         Attitude & Business Ethics

                         If you see  this award displayed at a location, you are in good hands.

To nominate a Business for this Award,  Contact Lanai Jarrico at

A Limited amount of awards will be personalized and issued by Lanai Jarrico

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