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Monday, March 21, 2011

SL ARTS & LITERATURE: Bookstacks Hosts 4th Annual Horror Fest

In late 2008, Bookstacks partnered with The Guild of UK Writers to better offer events to both the readers and writers of Second Life, and from that beginning Horror Fest was born.  Four years later, a small miracle in virtual terms, the event endures and Bookstacks has proudly announced Horror Fest 4: Better Undead than Unread scheduled for this Saturday, March 26 from 8 am - 10 pm SLT (Pacific Time)

Bookstacks in Second Life is “a place for bookish people to meet other bookish people and get together and do bookish things.” Originally founded by Simeon Beresford in the spring of 2007, Kghia Gherardi was recruited shortly thereafter to help with events. Bookstacks has 600+ members, and is a collaborative effort. Bookstacks is noted for their generous support of both lovers and creators of literature.  They host a range of events from discussions, open mic readings, workshops, and some wickedly fun parties.

This years Horror Fest, while scaled back from previous years, contains some notable RL authors as well as presenters of literature from across the Grid.

Schedule of Events (All Times SLT)

• 8:00 am - Emerain Rich (in Second Life Emz Mazie), a new short story from the author of Night's Knights and Dusk's Warriors
• 9:30 am - Caledonia Skytower, Classic Gothic Tales
• 11:00 am - Derry McMahon, Horror Tales
• Noon - Walton Vieria, Horror in Comic Books
• 1:00 pm - Arlene Radasky (Imarad Breen in Second Life), two original short stories
• 3:00 pm - Fauve Aeon and Aberdon Enigma, Horror Stories
• 4:30 pm - Poetry in the Graveyard, a Horror Fest tradition
• 6:00 pm - Cassandra Curtis, The Ten Most Haunted Places
• 7:30 pm - Bear Silvershade, The Searcher of the End House
• 9:00 pm - Jeri Unselt (Adrienne Darkrose in Second Life) - Selection from Prequel to Inner Demons

During this event, Bookstacks will be accepting donations for the Pacific Tsunami Relief, collected via the Seanchai Library

For more information:

The event slurl may change, but this will get you into the Pub at Bookstacks and you should be able to find your way from there.  This slurl will be updated later this week in this article as details are confirmed.

~Caledonia Skytower, Reporting
“Any ink is good ink, even of it is virtual”

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