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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day the Virtual Way and Teleport to a few charming places today!

Clenching my fist around a bottle of Jack Daniels and reporting from the front line isn't always the safest and easiest thing to do, but I like to go hard at what I do especially sporting a skirt this short and gripping onto a gold coin for dear life just for a story.

Being that I got a little Irish in me, I  thought I'd represent for my peeps, so I get all dressed up and hit the grid running.

My first stop was the Blarney Stone Irish Bar in Dublin.  The place was filled to the rim with festive avies all dressed up and spilling into the streets.   The surrounding buildings and the detail are great. I recommend checking this place out but just to warn you, it is not a shirtless establishment.  Guys,  If you show up in just a kilt and a swag , you might not get lucky, instead you will get kicked out. But Ladies, short skirts are not a problem!

Teleport Now and ride the golden coins!

My next stop was St. Patrick's Day Town. It's a little less traffic jammed than the last place and it has more of a fantasy feel to it.

You can find an assortment of St. Patrick's Day gifts and free fashion like this Lucky Party Dress.

and some great hats too!

 This is Jaymes Farstrider,   He was someone I met during my venture.  His authentic Celtic attire caught my attention outside of my the last location, so I strummed up enough nerve to IM him and ask if I could take a picture with him, just like a shameless groupie.  

 I must stay he really wears that kilt well and does the jig like no one's business.

My next stop was Guthries Folk Club. 

  This place has been around a long time and always has great live music. When I stopped by, Geos Copperfield was on stage.

This is Guthries Folk Club's owner and  host Dottie Iceberg, looking stunning in her green gown. I rarely get a chance to visit this venue but when I do, this avie is always working hard to provide entertainment for  her guest and always greeting people with a smile.

Be sure to Check out this place on your St. Patrick's Day tour

My last Stop was The Wicked Wench Pirate Ship and Club.  

  This club is very unique because it appears to be a pirate ship floating in the sky. From a distance it looks more like a piece of art than a dance club. it was my first time here. This is a must see on your tour.

Teleport Now!

Ok now that I did some exploring for St. Patrick's Day  It's time for me to go back under the radar for a little while.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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