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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Auction To Benefit Japan

The SFL's Twisted Vikings are hosting a drag-date auction to benefit victims of the Japanese apocalypse.

I was at the site this morning, and it's basically a Japanese shrine sort of look.

Men dressing in drag is always funny, but when those men are behemoth football players, the humor spikes up therough the stratospshere. They can't get mad if you goof on them, because it's for a good cause.

However, this columnwishes you to know that, among the men-in-drag you may safely make fun of when you encounter, football players are pretty much at the bottom of the list, trailing only US Marines and MMA guys.

While I'm not committed to being auctioned off at the moment, I did ignore a few SFL messages earlier this week. If they need a skirt to auction, I'd say yes in a heartbeat. I'm a good date, too... I like sports, you can get as f*cked up as you like, and I'll never deny Goodness to someone who helps people in need.

I should add the buyer-beware that, for someone with my SL lifestyle, I really don't have virtual sex much. When I do have it, I usually find humor in it. You can just turn the volume down on me and scrap... I've been called "ridiculously attractive" as recently as my research for this article.

I love the Japanese, almost directly as a result of WWII. I know that I wouldn't get over it and bond well with the country that defeated me, so I realize that Japan in general is a lot cooler than I am. If banging some pixels does that, count me in for some Auction Action.

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