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Saturday, February 12, 2011

The revolution WILL be televised...or whatever you call SL

As-Salamu Alaykum!!!
If a revolution is happening somewhere, there must be equivalent hysteria in the SL version of that country, no?

Now, I'm the Sports Editor here, and usually don't cover events of great gravity and importance. For instance, the article I have lined up for Tuesday has me wrestling nude in it. However, I was the SL Reporter who was on when Mubarak stepped down in Egypt, so it fell to me to go to Virtual Cairo and sample the mood of the people.

Hey... most people in America learned of John Lennon's death from Howard Cosell, so eff you, hater!

I was hoping for one of those 500.000 people mob scenes with fights in the streets and so forth. I was totally dressed for it, in a nice wool dress and heels. My pantyhose would have made a fine tourniquet. I planned to be nice, but kick some ass if necessary.

No worries, though. There's 10 people there. Egypt itself still has no Internet access, and it was 3 AM in Africa when I was at Virtual Cairo. It was hopping earlier, I'm being told.

ATM, I'm hanging out with a guy from Algeria, a few Egyptian students studying abroad, a guy from Kansas and a really snookered Frenchman. People are coming and going, though... all happy.

Everyone was in a good mood, and even when I stirred the pot a little ("Maybe now you won't lose wars to Israel anymore".... "Half of you should farm, and the other half should build pyramids by hand") , no one got all angry at me. It's funny, because usually when you see crowds of Muslims, they're pretty pissed off at America... but this was a HAPPY riot, like when your team wins the World Series or something.
Egypt may have some tough times as they get it all together, but they can sweat that tomorrow. Maybe the next guy will make Idi Amin look like Kelly Ripa for all we know. Time will tell.

If you want in on the Revolution, come on down to Virtual Cairo! It's also the home to Virtual Palestine and Virtual Tunisia. I'll be back with an update later in the day.

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