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Thursday, January 13, 2011

SPOTLIGHT FEATURE: Spotlight on Timbo Smythe, Personal Assistant to Lanai Jarrico

With all the new changes for 2011, it means keeping organized and staying focused. 
Since I am always busy and a mess when it comes to containing the flurry of emails and in world inquiries that come my way on a daily basis on top of being a college student and managing a household, a girl gets pretty dang tired and needs a little bit of assistance.

My only alternative was to find a personal assistant who can keep up with me and get the job done. With a month under his belt, He is already proving to be my very own Fonzworth Bentley without the tacky bowtie and umbrella. Not that I run him like D.Piddy runs Bad boy…

Image borrowed from Big pictures USA

 I thought it would be appropriate to break in my new PA by putting him in the hot seat and see how well he can handle it without quitting and de-friending me at the same time.  If he passes this test, expect to see him around the Media Center looking sharp in a suit and ready to assist.

 Please meet Timbo Smythe

Lanai Jarrico: Hi Timbo, I hope that 5th drink has you feeling buzzed cause I’m hoping to extract some juicy information from you. Can I order you another shot before we begin?

  Timbo Smythe: ok

  Lanai Jarrico: just ok? Show some enthusiasm…

  Timbo Smythe: Yes please, if you’re buying :)

 Lanai Jarrico: Rock on! All night the drinks are on me.  Timbo, one of the questions I always ask avies is, what brought you to Second Life and what was your initial plan when you got here?

 Timbo Smythe: Well a friend turned me onto SL about 5 years ago...Initially thought of it as a game but it didn’t take long to figure out that it was so much more so like others, I became enthralled in its infinite possibilities. At first I explored as many do and was caught up in the atmosphere and excitement, but I had no plans at first of what to do, I was just [laying day to day.

  Lanai Jarrico: laying lol
(wonders why I never hear anyone say they came here for cheap quickie dates)

 Timbo Smythe: well, hehe lol

Lanai Jarrico: It’s OK, blame it on the alcohol. So Timbo would you say SL is an extension of your real life or just a game? Be truthful, I won’t fire you: P

 Timbo Smythe: Oh it’s much more than a game. It is definitely an extension of real life. I travel extensively and SL became my social life while on the road.

  Lanai Jarrico: that's an excellent reason to be a member of SL. I know a lot of people who keep up with friends while traveling too. The only problem seems to be the internet service in the hotels. For instance, poor you. We have gotten cut off a few times during meetings because of your cheap motel connections lol.  I know you have been here a long time and we have known each other a good two years from one club you owned, but I never really asked what other type of experience you have in the virtual world that makes you qualified to take on this prestigious position?

  Timbo Smythe: Well as you know I have 5 years in  Yes I'm a lifer as they say.  I have owned 3 clubs while on SL and have many contacts in business here.  My network of friends is extensive such as DJ's, Club owners and Builders.  Plus having known you for a few years and once before working for you, I was always very interested in SLE and figured I could help take some of the work load off you  and help where needed. Does that make me qualified lol probably not, but a go getter I am :)

Lanai Jarrico: thank you for taking on this position first of all,  besides being a long time friend, you are more qualified than me in the PA department, because I need you but you still have to pass this test ya know :P

Timbo Smythe: smiles yes the test I keep hearing about...*hmmm waits with great anticipation*

Lanai Jarrico: as my new PA, how would you describe your job with SLE so far?

  Timbo Smythe: Well so far it's been a learning process, meeting new people, learning the ropes as they say. So far very enjoyable and yes it has its perks also.

  Lanai Jarrico: Oh yea? Like what?

 Timbo Smythe: Well, like my new office you just gave me, btw ty again :) And the fact that I meet exciting people here that normally I wouldn’t.

   Lanai Jarrico: you’re most welcome but I thought you were going to say the groupies won't stop calling you now.  Anyways, just for my own piece of mind and to make sure you don’t quit like the 10 Pa’s before you, have I been a pain in the ass at all?

Timbo Smythe: Oh yes! All the time…lol no not at all

  Lanai Jarrico: I respect your honesty…

 Timbo Smythe: I enjoy your friendship as I always have. We go to clubs together and have fun. To say you’re a pain in the ass would be distorting the truth, but you have a job to do and a business to run. You’re allowed to have your bad days.

  Lanai Jarrico: True and some bad days I do have, this is one heck of a business to run that’s why I have you as my sidekick Captain Timbo! You’re a sweetheart and I really appreciate you taking on this position.  I also have an awesome time with you so this should work out fantabulous.

  Timbo Smythe: I hope so and if not we will still be friends :)

Lanai Jarrico: That is important to me, thank you. I know this job can be tough and time consuming.  How do you like to spend your time in SL besides handling my schedule or alerting me when peeps in clubs are zooming in on my booty?

  Timbo Smythe: lol, I spend most my free time going to clubs and listening to music. I enjoy dancing ect...  After 5 years, I've done a lot so now I just enjoy the simple things that bring me pleasure.

  Lanai Jarrico: Yes being a "lifer" myself, I'm finding myself enjoying the music, dancing and just trying to hang out with great people. In the beginning I was more like a lost kid in a candy store. What do you think about the virtual world community and your role as an avie residing in it?

  Timbo Smythe: You know, to me it's still fascinating. There is always something going on and new things coming out to try. One thing about SL, if you get bored with it, it means you don’t try to experience the essence of it and the open possibilities.

  Lanai Jarrico: That is very true. Sometimes I find myself bored because I get so wrapped up in business and forget there’s a whole world out there to explore.

 Timbo Smythe: yes you do sometimes hehe

  Lanai Jarrico: I will admit I’m a workaholic, but hey! Who else gets to sit in a nice club slamming down drinks and having an interview and call it work?  For you, is it work or pleasure…. or both?

 Timbo Smythe: Both :)

  Lanai Jarrico: lol, I agree it can be fun! Not for my personal knowledge. I’m just throwing info out there to all the single ladies looking for the business type. Are you single?

Timbo Smythe: Yes in both worlds :)

Lanai Jarrico:  Have you ever thought about E-harmony or

Timbo Smythe: ummm no ty :)

Lanai Jarrico: just asking… Ever bring home an escort?

Timbo Smythe: I avoid the drama of a steady relationship...too many want to interact RL into the way they date here and it always seems to lead to drama. Don’t get me wrong many make it work, but for me I find staying single as in not partnered works the best.

Lanai Jarrico: Good concept. The drama here is an epidemic, but definitely entertaining when my name aint in it at least.

Timbo Smythe:  yes indeed lol and no!  I haven’t brought home an escort… been prepositioned, but again no thanks. I was also asked a few times to become an escort but I have to admit the thought of it was enticing lol

  Lanai Jarrico: haha hey if you got the voice for it go right ahead, you’re allowed to have a raunchy job on the side if you want.

Timbo Smythe: smiles...oh i do so Ive been told ;)

Lanai Jarrico: only in SLE... *shakes head* Ready for your next questions as the alcohol stupifies us?

  Timbo Smythe: Yes: 0

Lanai Jarrico: Banana Hammock or Trunks?

  Timbo Smythe: Trunks :)

Lanai Jarrico:  OK then, enough about your personal SLife…Let’s see what you think about the SL Community and its many sides. Beginning with customer service, have you ever had any problems with it? What do you think might need more attention?

  Timbo Smythe: Well one thing that sometimes is lacking would be the promptness of getting back with a customer. RL as you know can interfere at times with helping the customer due to being able to come online. That’s why I like the idea of having our email addresses available to customers and potential ones so that we can deliver the best service possible.

  Lanai Jarrico: I can agree with that. The best way to get the best customer services from The SL Enquirer is to email us. One of the problems I have is my offline messages and note card drop offs get capped and lost and I miss info and it makes it hard for me.

 Timbo Smythe: Follow up is the key to successful relations and I always try to do that.

Lanai Jarrico: That is such a relief!  Please put that in notes to remind me! haha

  Timbo Smythe: lol ok.  I look at business in SL just as I do my business in RL. The customer is always first, BECAUSE without them we have no business.

  Timbo Smythe: brb boss…boy’s room. Drinks are running thru me. hehe

  Lanai Jarrico: ok but the tape is still rolling…

[A couple Minutes go by…]

Lanai Jarrico: So Timbo, with all the activities happening in SL on a daily basis, what would you recommend to a friend?

  Timbo Smythe: Well first, I would say to them, find what you like to do and pursue that. But don’t limit yourself because then you are not getting the whole experience that SL has to offer.  Our magazine (SLE) has a wealth of information about events and happenings throughout SL and I would advise them to check us out to find out what’s hot in SL.

  Lanai Jarrico: We two have a lot in common and I like the way you think. With the New Year, I'm looking forward to what’s to come and all the new people we will meet.

  Timbo Smythe: As am I Lanai.  It’s already been a blast working with you and I'm sure it will get even better :)
  Lanai Jarrico: Let's keep our fingers crossed: P Now to some fun questions…What is the oddest thing you have encountered in SL so far?

Timbo Smythe: Well, that’s a loaded question. As any explorer on SL can tell you there are many oddities in our virtual world. Some funny and some downright bizarre. I can say this, if you can think it, it’s here :)

  Lanai Jarrico: I would have to agree and with the amount of years we have spent exploring. I have stories of my own on the downright bizarre and off tilt.


  Lanai Jarrico: ! YOU don't gotta be yellin, I’m right here. We have all had our tacky moments, like you did just now so this will be a fun one to ask… Have you ever been caught up in a compromising situation or had an incident where you sent a message to the wrong recipient? How did you get out of that one?

  Timbo Smythe: smiles, well yes I have and I’m sure it will happen again as Murphy’s Law acts just when you need it the least.

  Lanai Jarrico: don't worry buddy you are not alone, I've had my fair share of embarrassing moments. You will get used to it lol

Timbo Smythe: usually though it’s an IM and well when I do that I quickly try to think of something that phrase could remotely relate to person I inadvertently dropped it on and then… well improvise. Doesn’t always work, but we try :)

Lanai Jarrico: lmao! I don't even wanna know how you would try to cover up oh yeah it! lol jk

  Timbo Smythe: no you’re not lol

Lanai Jarrico: About the drama for 2011. I don't mind handing out police reports to the griefers. We need a comic section. Recalling a recent incident where we were both involved as innocent bystanders in a dramatic soap opera scene (created by a random bad actress) what do you think about the abundance of drama kings and queens in SL? What would be your message to them be if you had the stage and spotlight?   
*holds the microphone all close as you try to speak*

  Timbo Smythe: Yes I agree...If they want to act like children we should let our readers know who they are lol

Lanai Jarrico: Well said let me tap the mic and make sure it was working. So Anyway…I know you are a  real professional so I will try my best to be one too, but  In case you haven’t noticed, here at SLE, we tend to keep things a little bit off tilt and out of the ordinary. Would you consider SLE a professional media source from what you have witnessed so far during this interview?

 Timbo Smythe: It is a professional media source, yet we also try to instill what we are all here for and that’s fun. We have our serious side of course, but all serious and no fun makes for dull reading I think

Lanai Jarrico: Thank you, I couldn’t agree more. How important would you say media is to the SL Community and what can you do to help avies who are interested in Booking events, news coverage or advertising with us?

  Timbo Smythe: our magazine is very important. It allows avies to keep up on events and happenings. It also allows Clubs, Store owners and event holders to get the word out to the community through a source that has many readers. Such exposure for them can increase traffic and build sales. I can help anyone interested in advertising or publishing news or event info in very easy steps. We have info preprinted for their use and they can contact me anytime and I can walk them through the steps and save them the hassle of all the foot work. They can contact me in world through IM or my email addy If I’m in world, I’m normally at my office at the media center so they can drop in and see me there :)

Lanai Jarrico: ok let’s finish this interview before I fall of this chair. Timbo, it has been such a pleasure interviewing you and can’t thank you enough for being a part of the team. Here’s to a brand new year of news *cheers*

Timbo Smythe: Cheers :)

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