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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lanai Jarrico, “Godmother” By Hugen Ocello, Imagine Magazine

I thought about my first submission here and decided to write about Lanai Jarrico. I met Lanai at an open house for Imagine Magazine with some good friends CTM Underwood and Melodee McDonnell who sang that night and as always are premiere entertainers. I was very impressed from the start at how Lanai carries herself, always the professional. After speaking with her, I was determined to get an interview with someone who has been in Second Life from the beginning—a pioneer.

She came to my home and we sat and hit it off immediately; two writers in one room can be electric. It can also be a disaster, but this was the former, two people loving what they do and enjoy talking about their respective approaches. We both view life in a way that brings in the ‘light’ rather than obscuring it with rhetoric and fancy words. To me she is like a companion soul, both of us eager to take an idea and make it better. After she talked about her childhood and how she became known as the God Mother, we came up for an idea of a gangster scene for her pictorial and it was a lot of fun. I was determined to keep in touch with Lanai and have ever since.

Our next project was the 13 Crystal Mayan skulls of 2012 fame and put together a treasure hunt. Again, Lanai is the best at being there ready to work and pull the project forward. You can also tell about a person’s character when things don’t go well and we had to make adjustments as the hunt progressed. While I was pumping oxygen into my Imagine staff to get out the Ancient Book of Secrets on time we pulled through and learned a lot while promoting the vendors who graciously participated. All in all, it comes down to the same thing for me, Lanai is an intelligent, tireless worker who approaches issues head on, she doesn’t wilt when the heat is on and it one heck of a person to have by your side. I like her a lot.

There are a number of issues out in SL right now; we have the bunny horsey wars, new CEO from Sims taking over the reigns in SL, wonderful stories about people released from the constraints of RL to be freed here in SL and the many communities large and small who represent a world of diverse interests and cultures. Lanai and I hope to be at the forefront of those stories, each taking our own style and tact to write about them and when possible collaborating on projects that are sure to bring a smile to your face or get the grey matter moving a bit faster or both. *grinz* It may not always be perfect, but we guarantee it will be interesting. -- Hugen Ocello, CEO Imagine Magazine

Note: All photography was done by the amazing Shi Streeter and Shi Studios—another fun lady to be around.

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