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Monday, January 24, 2011

GOHA Playoffs Going Down To The Wire

The Toilet Bowl, awarded to the last-ranked team.

Just a quick note to let you know that the Global Online Hockey Association playoffs are into their final games! The Ice Lords have the Mammoth on the brink of the rink, and can finish off the whole enchilada Tuesday night at 6 PM SLT right at Cleary Arena, which is located right here.

The Mammoth were on the ropes, but pulled out a gutsy win Sunday night to keep the dream alive. I was dressed as a Mammoth cheerleader, btw. Not "mammoth" as huge- I'm actually quite small- but Mammoth as in the hockey team.

It's the last game of the 2011 season, so hustle on down and check the puck out!

Again... yours truly is a GOHA cheerleader... a Puckette. Watching me shake it around should be more than enough incentive. Come on out and get Pucked!

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