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Monday, January 24, 2011

Eclectic Charisma News - Bringing Fun to Studying Medicine - Shon Charisma Reporting...

When I was a wee thing, I thought about becoming a doctor. As I got older, my ambitions took a complete 180, but now with Second Life, I can immerse myself into the medical world and become a virtual medical doctor. With the very awesome interactive game, Virtual Medical Doctor, I can now feed this childhood dream of mine.

In Virtual Medical Doctor, presented by Cha Klaar and MadPea Productions, you can go from a fresh-faced newbie to a trained doctor all within its well designed space.

Training Area ~~ Learning about Vital Organs

There is a whole floor dedicated to the training level, and there, you can learn about vital human organs--what they are, what they do, and what problems can arise for each organ.

Training Area ~~ Learning about Vital Drugs

Also on the training floor is an area where you can learn about various drugs. I have to admit I was a bit intimidated on this floor because you are hit with a lot of information to digest so that you can move on to the next part of training--practicing on patients. Before you go moving on to the patients, make sure you get the terminology down, remember what medication helps for what ailments. There's even a medical dictionary stand to keep you abreast on even more terminology.

Training Area ~~ Practicing with Patients

Before you complete your training, you should definitely take time to practice with the patients, and VMD allows you to do just that.

Beside each patient on the training level is a control monitor for a specific condition. On the monitor is a statement about the patient's health and a question about what medication to administer. I spent a good deal of time here, testing myself on the various health issues and medication available--realized I still need to return to this level to feel confident enough to go into surgery and actually work on a patient.

Once you have made the rounds of the training level and believe you are ready to move into surgery, you get to move to another level before you enter the hospital. At the next level of VMD, you'll find several dioramas, scenarios in which you get to visually see what happened to your patients before they got ill; you're also able to read your patient's chart to learn more about the patient and about the illness.

One Example of a VMD Diorama

Once you check out a diorama and read about the patient and his or her ailment, the cool fun can begin, which sounds crazy considering how much I enjoyed everything leading up to this moment.

Another Example of a VMD Diorama

What is the cool fun? Tupol Hospital, where you'll be miniaturized so that you can enter the body of your patient, take samples, and perform surgeries. VMD is definitely a game of skills because in order to save your patient's life, you must be able to perform tasks that grow increasingly more difficult the further along you move into the game. And this is a game where you can interact with others, too. There is a group you can join, and there is a leaderboard so that you can follow others' progress in the game--and of course, try to do better than them!

I have to admit that I haven't been brave enough to enter the hospital yet--but in my next piece, I will talk about my experience inside the human body in order to save a patient's life.

If you like interactive games and especially love exploring cool, unique things to do in Second Life, definitely take this [SLURL] and join me on this Virtual Medical Doctor journey!

And you can learn more about MadPea Productions at Facebook.

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