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Saturday, September 18, 2010


"Rocker" is one of the many unique fashion creations to be available at the Charity Fashion Show.
• Saturday, September 18, 2010
West of Ireland, Second Life – The Second Life charity estate West of Ireland (WOI) is pleased to announce a new benefit fashion event as part of this coming weekend’s Halfway to Saint Patrick’s Day Festival. The Second Life designer Jaimie Earst will be holding a Fashion Show on Sunday, September 19 at 1pm SLT on the WOI Estate at “The Glen” (Glens na hEirean). The event will showcase 20 ensembles created by the designer and featuring WOI Volunteers as models. Display boards of the featured fashions will be up through out the day with all items being available for sale. Proceeds from sales that day will be donated to War Child North America

Jaimie Earst has been a in Second Life for just one year, and has brought her real world experiences in design to reach a new realism in her fashion creations. Her "True Life Texturized" ™ exclusive technology allows realistic textures and patterns that join perfectly at the seams. Jaimie’s preferred materials are leather, latex, vinyl and PVC which she replicates realistically using several graphics processes that create an essentially three dimensional textural image of great depth and reflectivity. Her inspirations come mainly from a fantastic imagination, comics and graphic novels, and a continuous attempt to make girls feel sensual in the virtual world. Jaimie takes great pride in the designs she creates, and is constantly challenging herself with something new that will advance her designs, building on the strengths of previous works.

“We are just so blessed to have this talented designer generously share her creations and unique textures with us in support of our on going fundraising efforts,” said Fashion Show Organizer, Caledonia Skytower. “Historically we have raised over $L20,000 through individual charity fashions shows. Jaimie’s work is bright, sexy and fun – it is a new look to feature at WOI. ”

The ensembles featured in the fashion show will be available for sale at the show site (Glens na hEirean) through out the day on Sunday, September 19th. The Fashion Show itself will commence at 1pm SLT.

Useful SLURLS:

Glens na hEirean …

For other West of Ireland performance schedules and event information, visit:

War Child North America works with children all over the world to reduce poverty, to provide education and to defend their rights. We work tirelessly to help children whose lives have been torn apart by conflict, providing them with the means to build a brighter future. War Child provides programs focusing on education, child rights, and poverty reduction. War Child works collaboratively, and respectfully, with local partners and communities. More than 90 cents of every dollar received goes towards War Child international programs. The organization keeps administrative costs low in order to ensure that funds raised go directly towards children and their families affected by war.

For information on War Child North America:

 — Associated Press

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