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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

SPOTLIGHT TV NEWS: SPOTLIGHT TV IS MOVING, BUT WHERE TO?-Lanai Jarrico sits down with Nightfire Entertainment’s President Scorpinosis Nightfire for some ice cream, and gets the exclusive scoop- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Staff Reporter
• Tuesday, September 07, 2010
   With a new season on the horizon, there comes new changes, and this week the tides of change are already being felt. On Monday August 29, 2010, it was announced that Spotlight TV would be moving from metaverse Television Network to a new one. The name of this new network was not mentioned in the press release, except that it will be launched as soon as this October! 
This was enough to spark my curiosity on what was happening behind the scenes and find a reason to ask Scorp out on a cool date. 

First Scoop, What is Spotlight TV? Well, if you have never been to a show, Spotlight TV has its own weekly flavor. Spotlight TV is the creation of Nightfire Entertainment and hosted by Scorpinosis Nightfire. It has provided viewers with entertaining talk shows filled with interesting topics relating to both Second life and real world current events ,since (2008) .

Every Wednesday evening at 5pm SLT, the Studio doors open and the audience can take their seats early. By 6pm slt. It is Lights, Cameras and Action, as announcer Demoneka Daehlie does an introduction and welcomes guest to witness live interviews with guests doing big things, as well as and learn more about those that make up this virtual world.


SLE: Hey Scorp, thank you for joining me for some ice cream and a little chat. Before we begin the business side of this interview, can you tell me in your own words, what you see when you think of Second Life and all of its many avenues for expanding on one’s self and their role here?

SN: Of course and thank you for having me Lanai it’s always a pleasure to speak to you and the SLE readership. Now regarding your question, I see unlimited potential and opportunity for innovative entrepreneurs to profit greatly both monetarily and creatively. I mean like the wild west use to be, SL is still the undiscovered country in terms of it really being used to it’s fullest potential for business, pleasure and dare I say wholistic benefits in First Life.

SLE: To give the reader’s an idea of where you are coming from and if I’m not diggin’ too deep in your personal business, can I ask what you do in real life and how it relates to what you do here?
SN: No you are not getting too personal and what I do in First Life mirrors what we are doing here. I run a talent marketing, management, development and public relations firm as well run the special projects division for one of the leading major label recording studios in the world. We represent and work with indie and famous talent as well as major product manufacturers. Doing what we do in First Life always has us looking for new and cost efficient ways to market our clients and their current projects. SL happens to be a fantastic place to do that so we came here to acclimate the culture here and build business models that will promote contracted clients both in and outside of SL.

SLE: Do you see virtual world business having a positive growth and maybe even creating more interest in people that may see think SL is just another computer game?
SN: Yes the amounts of money being moved through the SL economy is in the millions and that very quickly distinguishes SL from being just a computer game for almost anyone in business.

SLE: How can we convince those people to give SL another look and see how they can utilize SL for expanding on their own business or their talent?
SN: By first educating ourselves about the financial and business happening here then we can educate others.

SLE: Media & marketing are very useful tools in this virtual world but there is an unbalance between the amount of work put in and the very little to no revenue received. I’m interested to know what your thoughts are on that. Can you share what you thing is the problem and how you think this can be fixed?
SN: Well I think sometimes SL’s business and commerce side gets confused by some people that are role playing for the fun of it but think they are in business for real. However having no experience or successful operating model as a measuring stick, a lot of people fail to plan their business ventures so they not only fail quite often they drain resoucres as well. I think the fix is being an intern or an apprentice of a successful business person and learn how a real company operates on or off the virtual grid.

SLE: I know you have been observing the virtual world culture through the years. What things do you feel need some work, besides creating revenue in order to make big things happen here?
SN: One we need more quality control. For some reasons we seem to have lower standards of acceptable quality in here. We can do better and expect more of ourselves and the tech here in SL.

SLE: In your opinion, what must people do to be taken seriously by both in world and outside investors?
SN: Offer goods and services that rival their First Life counterparts in quality and marketing savvy

SLE: What are the top creative collaborations that you witnessed growing here in Second Life?
SN: I hope to be answering that question in October LOL

SLE: With things changing so rapidly in SL, there are always new ideas and trends going and coming. What do you see in the future of SL media &in world broadcasting television?
SN: I think we are just scratching the surface of Machinima made here in SL becoming a part of mainstream entertainment like Space Ghost Live (on Cartoon Network) The Simpsons, Family Guy etc.

SLE: With all that said about the virtual world and your view of it. I think it’s time to get down to the real reason I asked you out for ice cream….
I think the first things readers may want to know is, why are you leaving Metaverse TV?

SN: Wow you are going to go there right after I finally get my two scoops LOL. Well as juicy as it would be for readers to read, I am happy to report there is no drama or bad reasons we are leaving Metaverse TV. As cliche as it sounds, we are only leaving because the success of the show has created some new opportunities that required we be a free agent to pursue those opportunities.

SLE: Can you please tell me about your relationship with Metaverse TV?
SN: Yes I can, I am proud to say that we have been in regular communications with our friends at Metaverse and we have actually been helped in making this transition.

SLE: How long was Spotlight being broadcasted on Metaverse TV?
SN: About 14 months roughly.

SLE: What made you decide it was time to move?
SN: As I shared previously an opportunity we could not refuse.

SLE: Do you feel confident you are making the right decision? Why?

SN: Without a doubt this is the right decision at the right time. The reasoning is we know whats coming to the show and how we have to be positioned to manage what we consider major upgrades in the new season.

SLE: What impact do you see SL broadcasting doing in the real world?
SN: I see it becoming recognized as an access point to millions of account holders that are consumers as well.

SLE: Sooooooo Scorp, What’s the name of this new TV Network?
SN: Well as you can imagine there is a major campaign under way to launch and break that news so mum is the word till then.

SLE: I know, some things must be kept in your back pocket due to legalities and technicalities but how much information are you willing to tell me about this new endeavor?
SN: I can tell you that it will definatley redefine the way we look at SL television and web content created in SL being enjoyed outside of SL by non residents as well as residents.

SLE: Will Spotlight TV still be on Every Wednesday @ 6pm slt?
SN: Yes our new time is weds @ 6pm.

SLE: What other features are going to be broadcasted on this new network?
SN: well we know of four other shows, The Fashion Fix, Girl Talk, Everything Entertainment, Sports Watch and of course Spotlight TV.

SLE: How can you be contacted for more information about Spotlight TV, for inquiring about a job or a show slot?
SN; You can IM my senior staffers: Nani Xue and Prissy Price

SLE: Anymore Scoops you want to mention?
SN: Yes, watch October be a huge month for SL. 

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