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Monday, March 29, 2010


Staff Reporter
• Monday, March 29, 2010
"The Gran Way"
Recently I was approached by an avatar named Dave Gran who claims he has worked closely with the Lindens and many of SL's top designers & Businesses across the grid since 2003. Not knowing much about such an accomplished avie my question was as good as anybody's so we decided to meet up later on that evening where I blindly went into the interview with a blank notepad and a puzzled look. so... Who is Dave Gran?

I began the interview by asking Dave what brought him to Second Life and he said,
“At first it was a job. I worked for the company (Linden Labs) 8 months before actually coming in world but that was another me. as for Mr. Gran. I love the candy bar 100,000 Grand. you know it?”
Mr. Gran shared with me why he chose his name.

“I loved the name Grand so I created the Gran name as a request from a friend who at that time created the AV names we chose from today” Dave went on to say, “ Grand sounded old so I dropped the "D"
After establishing how he got his name, I asked what title he gives himself in Second Life and is he still involved with Linden labs.

Dave stated, “ I named my first club that started in 2003 "Club Gran" before I took the name for myself and in the former SL Exchange forums I was dubbed "Mentor for the stars" Dave continued with, “Many of SL's top name brands have either been mentored by me, consulted by me or branched from me”
I asked Dave what the SL exchange was all about and he told me, “It's now what we call “Xstreet” (Xstreet is the shopping website for SL)

Sharing more about his past Dave told me he was once a mentor under the name “Mr Gran” then he branched off to create his own program. So I asked him to tell me more about his own.

“ Well, not to put down the official program. It has worked out great in the past and there are many dedicated people. I was a mentor coach and did not like the way we were going. I wanted much more for the people I was helping. SL is a big place with many opportunities But 90% don't know how to tap into those and make money.” Dave went on , “This hurts us all. New people are all our futures here. They represent our economy and new ideas”
With all the new ideas and residents popping up across the grid all the time I wanted to know what kind of things his program offered to help these individuals.

Dave stated, “ I created the Elite Ring of SL Instructors. what makes it different?”. In the official program, a person needs help and goes to help island to seek the guidance of a mentor.
The mentor hands them a note card to read so they can learn on their own. To me that is not mentoring.
Any scripted NC giver can do that.”

I asked if he does the hands on approach and actually meets with those new residents and Dave told me he goes to the islands from time to time and randomly picks newcomers. He brings them to his sim called Banquo and educates them.

“I have other official mentors who live on my sim and also dedicate themselves to do the hands on approach”
It was refreshing to see a new approach to helping new residents and complimented his nice service as I reminisced about my newbie days of being shoeless and oblivious. It sure was hard trying to figure things out on my own.

I asked if it was open to the public and was there a fee and Dave told me,

“ Yes (it's open to the public). I do not charge or take any kickbacks. My only fee is that they promise to one day pass it on to someone else they meet”

Paying it forward is a great currency here in Second Life and I had to commend him on that,

Dave also told me he does not advertise it, It's sole form of promotion is word of mouth.
“ Only the dedicated ones will gain this program. Meaning.... They must be willing to be honest with me, respectful to everyone they meet and at all times be professional”,Dave said.

Summing things all up Dave told me, “ In a nutshell my program is....Find a newcomer who wants to make a footprint in SL, Teach them what they need to know so they can get around SL, find what they wish to do for a business or lifestyle, then guide them on how to get there. Many of my staff members are now owners of their own sims and empires. They all have their own lives and properties but still call Banquo home.”
Claiming to have helped big names , I asked him to name of few that he has helped.

And Dave said,
”Sure. but only because I asked their permission first. Coyote Bikers is one.
The two owners came to me as newbies and I mentored them into what they are today. they were voted Best in Bike Design last year by some motorcycle in world organizations, now many bike creators use their scripts in their own bikes”
“I have also worked with and have been long time friends with the owners of Chez Gabrielle, Bad Katz, Alyssa Bijoux, Fierce, Blush, Naughty n Nice, Adrianna's Trinkets.”

Did you help put Alicia Stella On too, I asked, and Mr. Gran let me know Alicia and he were old friends, long before joining forces.

“Alicia is a business goddess. she is very smart and I trust her totally with all business decisions. In a sense...she started me off in business. I have a passion for building. I often build for people who can't do it themselves. She (Alicia) keeps me focused on NOW and one thing at a time. I build two clubs or buildings at the same time and folder them up faster than anyone I have ever met”
After learning about the many things he has done for the SL community I wanted to know if he had any upcoming projects he was getting involved with.

“Well I am the President of Gran Entertainment which owns many under businesses. The Club Ring is an ongoing project I started back in 2006 to help clubs and I also run a huge monthly event called the Erotic Exotic Ball. It tours a different club each month. I finance the whole thing.”
* Gran Entertainment owns "The Club Ring", Gran Lighting, "The Erotic Exotic Ball", Elite Ring of SL Instructors and Elegant Pleasures Nightclub

With so much going on I had to ask how he manages this all and Dave explained,

“With new added features in SL, I see the entertainment industry booming. There will always be clubs in SL. I create realistic club prefabs and supplies. Alicia creates the merchant tools almost every club in SL uses. I hop around the grid visiting new clubs and almost everyone has something from Alicia's Shops or Mine.”
Due to many services and business that go go belly up, I asked Dave what separates his facilities from the rest and he said, it keeps him on his toes to always come up with new things.

“As a business mentor, I have seen many clubs come and go. one of the reasons is the start up costs. Alicia and I made it easier. Our (rezzable) clubs are Cop/Mod/ No Transfer and come in several themes. they also come fully loaded with almost everything needed to open for business. Some even come with mall kits” Dave continued with,
“We sell a fully loaded prefab for less than our competitors sell empty ones. Having a partner like Alicia helps me do my best in detail. We will not put our names on it till we both agree on the presentation” he added,
“I have mentors who live there and all my staff were trained by me from newbies themselves. they follow the Gran way and help out newcomers”
I agree this is a good tactic because I see a lot of quantity around the grid many lacking quality.

Before wrapping this interview up I asked Mr Gran if there was anything else he would like to share with our readers and he stated,

“I would like to add this. Those of you who would like to learn the secret to making very good business in SL, here it is....Treat everyone with respect. Help others when you can. Treat your staff like family and not employees, be honest and above all have fun doing it.
I have an open door policy. Anyone willing to put in the effort to learn from me can IM me”
Banquo home of Gran Entertainment is a club supply sim. you can always look up Elite Ring of SL instructors and the Club Ring for more information.

Visit Banquo Today!

Reader comments extracted from old site*

Thegreatcaptain Barbosa
APR 25  •  Wow! way to go Dave!. When I met Mr. Gran back in 2007 he offered to mentor me into starting a business. I was so amazed at his logic that I decided to apply it to my RL business. All I can say is WOOOOW! I would personally vote for this guy if he ever ran for President. Dave is your reading this a huge THANK YOU for all your advice.

I now operate one of the leading RL club design companies in the U.S.
Jewel Reyes
APR 05  •  What can you say about Mr. Gran? Except that everything positive that you hear about his is definitely correct. When I expanded my mall to an entire sim he was among the first to move in and also brought his friends with him. Although RL has been going so well I decided to limit my SL ventures, I will always remember how much Dave has helped me. ~~Jewel Reyes, Owner of Rhythm & Rhyme -- Hottest Poetry & Spoken Word Lounge
Benton Torkelsonn
MAR 30  •  With all the negative news items these days, it is refreshing to see a positive piece written about a guy who takes the time to actually do some good. As a newbee, building a club, I purchased several items from Gran Lightng/ASD. Dave actually began stopping by, offering tips, assistance and the occasional complimentary item... "Here try this". Try getting the OWNER of Maytag to drop in and explain how his washing machines work! It has since been my honor to join the CLUB RING, host an EXOTIC BALL and reap the promotional and networking benefits that come from membership. All Dave has asked in return is that we present SL in a positive, professional fashion. Thanks Dave!
Jocares Marathon
MAR 30  •  I have known Dave Gran since June 2008 when I purchased my first club. I was lucky that he came by to check my club out. I had no idea about running a club. I had been a dancer and a host previoulsy. I was determined to make my club..THE ECLIPS3 NIGHTCLUB, a place here friendships are formed fun is experienced. Dave pointed me in the right directions and has supported me since that day and still even now. He is the best person anyone can meet in SL. As his philosophy is to help others, so is mine and I have introduced many of my friends to Dave and they have also benefitted from his knowledge, experience and patience...Good on yer Dave, zou are on in a million lindens...luv yer
Patnad Babii
MAR 29  •  I know Mr Gran since a little while and each time we meet he keep to amaze me. He's an excellent business men in SL and build very cool stuff! Never a dull moment with Dave :)
Likmai Woodget
MAR 29  •  I met Dave about 3 days into my SL. Right off the bat he helped me out, gave me some work and started teaching me about all things SL. He introduced me to some of my best friends and really helped shape my second life. Glad to have him as a friend and mentor!
kristi Kenin
MAR 29  •  I met Dave Gran a year ago ,I am the General Manager of Elegant Pleasures and without Dave Grans guidance and help and his love for his family I wouldnt be where I am today . I am honored to be a part of Gran Entertainments and Dave Grans General Manager of Elegant Pleasures......
Bryn Bulloch
MAR 29  •  I have personally benefitted from Dave Gran's infinite wisdom and tireless devotion to helping those of us towards success who are determined and willing to do the hard work. Dave is remarkably kind, patient and accessible - not to mention his mind-boggling know-how and expertise. -Bryn Bulloch, Owner of the Fabulous and Famous VIXENZ Erotic Dance Academy
Dresella Joubert
MAR 29  •  I am fortunate enough to personally and professionally know Dave Gran for quite some time now. Mr. Gran is more than a successful businessman of many talents in SL and beyond. He is a man of great integrity; a man who has a heart of gold. Anyone who has the honor of knowing this man is truly blessed but for those of us who actually get to work alongside Dave, our lives are deeply enriched by his extreme generosity! His mentorship is priceless and his kindness is endless.

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