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Monday, October 18, 2010

SPOTLIGHT FEATURE: Pure Seduction Club co-owner Arennon Eiren Talks About The Versatile and Newbie-Friendly Club That She Helped Create -Ramon Federal Reporting...

Staff Reporter
• Monday, October 18, 2010
Vivacious avatar Arennon Eiren, along with her partners/co-owners Tennant Hyx and Vectra Newall, has created a new venue for dancing, live entertainment and fun, called the Pure Seduction Club.

People “should come here and enjoy what we have to offer and have a fantastic time with us here and enjoy the live comics and the singers,” Arennon told the SL Enquirer during an interview at the venue.

“For the club, I would just like it to be as good as we can make it, a good place to hang out with friends and have lots of fun while you do,” she added.

There’s a division of labor at Pure Seduction, with each co-owner having specific responsibilities. Tennant Hyx does the paper work and schedules events at the location. Vectra Newell djs and helps with the hosting. According to Arennon, Tennant is “ a syfi mad lil Brit. He loves Doctor Who and is in the Starfleet Academy in SL. Vec loves to dj,” she adds.

As for her own satisfactions from the venue, Arennon says that “For me I enjoy meeting new peeps and just having fun. I love to host and talk.”

Here’s the latest schedule of events at Pure Seduction:
Saturday 16th

7pm -8pm: Comedian (Dazlan Quinn)

8pm - 10pm: Best In Noob DJ Vectra Newall

Tuesday 19th
8am-9am Singer (Sam Qendra)

9am -11am Best In Vectra DJ Vectra Newall

8pm-10pm Back to the Seventies DJ Bouncer Criss

Wednesday 20th
10am -12am Best in The Buff DJ Flipper Camino

8pm - 10pm Best In Upto Vectra DJ Vectra Newall

Thursday 21st
2pm-3pm Singer (Krisie Snowdrop)

6pm-8pm Creatures of the Night! DJ Zane Shilling

Friday 22nd
7pm-8:30pm Dead Dog Party DJ Derrick Stewart (NO STRIPPERS OR NUDE PEOPLE)

8:30pm-9:30pm Comedian (Dazlan Quinn)

Dazlan Quinn, according to Arennon, is “a British guy and he’s pretty damn funny, if I must say so.”

Arennon says that Pure Seduction is designed to be particularly friendly to newbies. She says that they are “trying to run events that work for newer persons so they can enter events and enjoy themselves.”

Asked what makes the Pure Seduction Club distinct from other clubs in Second Life, Arennon replies “I believe we are only one of a few clubs that does comics, singers and djs. A lot of clubs just do dj events. We’re trying to add a bit of difference here.”

Arennon came to Second Life after some earlier experiences with other virtual worlds. She says, “I was playing Guild Wars, a role playing game, and someone told me about Perfect World, but at the time it was Malaysia-based only and I could not get it to work for me. So then they told me about Second Life.”

And that’s where she’s now hosting the Pure Seduction Club, open and accessible at:

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