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Monday, June 28, 2010

SPOTLIGHT FEATURE: Miss Tropic Hawaiian 2010- Meet Aubrey Maskelyne- Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Miss Tropic Hawaiian 2010 Aubrey Maskelyne
Staff Reporter
• Monday, June 28, 2010
Every year The Compassionate Coalition Hosts the Miss Tropic Hawaiian Pageant on the Island Sim of Oahu. This year’s fabulous event took place on Saturday June 19, 2010. Hosted by Twstd Ruggles and this year’s co host and Musician LANCE Rembrandt who performed for the first hour as the audience arrived and took their seats.
All 5 judges including myself got comfortable in our assigned seats as we preparing ourselves for the event.. All 18 contestants had to choose 3 styles to present. First were formal gowns.
These beautiful ladies had lots of style class and grace as they carried themselves down the runway taking a spin at the end and walking to their places on the stage. From the first round, already being a judge for this event was becoming a challenge. After tallying up our votes for the first round. The top 10 moved on to the next round....

For Round 2 the ladies wore their swimsuits and Swags. For the men in the audience I’m sure this was the highlight of the evening. There were some pretty hot swim wear going on. I think I may want to put in a suggestion for a Mr. Tropic Hawaiian. I would not mind being the judge for the guys. In fact, I would be right at the end of the run way waiting with the baby oil believe me on that.

Anyways before I get carried away in a day dream, the 3rd round of the pageant was the cake topper. Judges were given the opportunity to question these ladies. We each got to ask 2-3 each and casted our final votes based on their answers.
The moment of truth finally arrived as the finalist all held hands in anticipation of the Winner announcement. There was a brief silence in the air as the 3rd and 2nd place contestants were called.
Then Aubrey Maskelyne’s Name was announced as the Winner of Miss Tropic Hawaiian 2010!
Between the Wooohooooo, applauds and congratulations, Aubrey accepted her Title, crown and roses gracefully.

After the event I caught up with newly crowned Aubrey Maskelyne who met with me at the Media Center for an interview.

[6:55] Lanai Jarrico: what brought you into Second Life?[6:55] Aubrey Maskelyne: my twin sister. She lives with me in real life. I saw her playing, and thought what the heck ill try it and see what it’s like.

[6:56] Lanai Jarrico: Do you two play together or have your own separate SLives here?[6:56] Aubrey Maskelyne: for the most part we play separately... but sometimes our lives her intertwine with each other, she comes to my place and hangs out sometimes.
[6:57] Lanai Jarrico: I think it’s cool to have your sister be there for you in SL It's rare I meet any who has their family in here with them. Was she there to watch you win the crown for Miss Tropic Hawaiian?[6:58] Aubrey Maskelyne: she sat about 3 feet behind me and she heard me scream at the top of my lungs "OMG I WON” over and over. I was in total shock when Twsted announce the other two ladies, I was like there is no way I won, and then she did. I couldn’t believe it.

[6:59] Lanai Jarrico: What do you do here in Second Life besides being in the Miss Hawaiian Tropic Pageant?[7:00] Aubrey Maskelyne: well I am a knight in a Vampire clan "The Order of the Dominion” and I am family woman as well. I have 6 daughters in SL.

[7:00] Lanai Jarrico: Oh you have quite the family here also on the role play side of the grid. Would you say Sl is an extension of your real life or Just a Game?[7:05] Aubrey Maskelyne: yes I do have quite the family, my one daughter I have had for a year in sl, we are best friends her name is Maddie, and then kammie who has been here a while as well, but she was not here most of the school year. She just got back recently, then there is Neveah, Eliana, Saskai, and Miley , they do keep me very busy. Then there is my partner in crime my sl husband, Elefeneder Footpad. He is one of the High Princes in the clan, we have been together 6 months. I bought him in a clan auction for a date, and we have been inseparable since.
Real life plays a big role in my life here in SL, what you get in SL is the real me, no fabrication of personality or lies of who I am. I make nothing up or make it out to be a fantasy; I have nothing to hide, I am proud of who I am in real life as well in SL. Yes the vampire thing is a fantasy, but I love the idea of vampires in real life, so it was fitting for me to be one here in SL.

[7:14] Lanai Jarrico: very nice answer. In second Life it’s so easy to hide behind an avatar but to find genuine people here is the best.
[7:16] Aubrey Maskelyne: I think I am still in shock. Its’ been a few days and I am still riding on the high. It’s a dream come true. I never really thought that my avie or I would make anything like this possible.

[7:17] Lanai Jarrico: I feel you Aubrey, That is the beauty of Second Life. We can really achieve some fantastic goals here. I never thought I’d be a journalist stepping into virtual worlds. I congratulate you on winning the Miss Tropic Hawaiian Pageant. Twstd Ruggles and Compassionate Coalition are a respected part of our SL community.
[7:18] Aubrey Maskelyne: up until now my goal in sl was to be a good mom and wife, and clan member, but this pageant has opened a whole new world to me

[7:18] Lanai Jarrico: What was your biggest anxiety while you were walking the catwalk?
[7:20] Aubrey Maskelyne: well it was so lagged and I was on skype with one of my best friends Lexi, and one of the other contestants Kaylee.  I came down the catwalk, and was like “u girls are in my way” and they kept swearing they were in there right spot so I just came down and walked. I kept thinking , Don’t fall in the water , don’t fall in the water and thank goodness I didn’t and then the turntable was piled with girls that were in front of me. I just sat hoping no one was there.
[7:21] Lanai Jarrico: lol The stresses of runway. So who designed that beautiful purple gown you were wearing for round one?
[7:23] Aubrey Maskelyne: the gown was designed by Sonia28 Jie of Son!a. I absolutely love her designs; I go to her store whenever I have an event to go to. She may be a little expensive but so worth it. Sonia28 designed my wedding dress as well.
[7:26] Lanai Jarrico: Did she make the dress you are wearing now?
[7:27] Aubrey Maskelyne: actually no this dress was made by Sascha Frangilli
[7:28] Aubrey Maskelyne: she did it special for me with the purple and orange; she is also an amazing designer.

[7:28] Lanai Jarrico: oh very nice!  Do you feel any different now that you have earned this crown on your own Merit?
[7:32] Aubrey Maskelyne: honestly my husband has been doting over me and is so proud, and I am still is disbelief, but it has opened my eyes a bit that maybe I could pursue a modeling career her in SL
[7:33] Lanai Jarrico: Sure try it out! After all it's your world, your imagination. There are many great catwalks across SL.
[7:33] Aubrey Maskelyne: I never really thought that much of myself as to being beautiful, but I always strive to look my best

[7:33] Lanai Jarrico: plus it’s a lovely way to have the latest trends before they are release to the SL public. How do you hope to represent Miss Hawaiian Tropics this year?
[7:37] Aubrey Maskelyne: well I want to show SL that being a pageant winner is not superficial, that it’s not about the crown, that we have real lives, and are not shallow, I hope to help Twsted in the campaign for the coalition, for I have a a lot of friends and family facing cancer irl , but I live in a state that does not allow the use of the drug, and it would benefit so many people’s lives

[7:39] Lanai Jarrico: I agree. I support the Compassion Coalition’s Mission too for a few years. Let’s hope in the future things change with respect to Marijuana use for those who would benefit from it.  Do you have any advice for potential Miss Tropic Hawaiian for 2011?
[7:49] Aubrey Maskelyne: Yes. It’s always helpful having a second eye while shopping, because having a second opinion is always helpful, and also be genuine, Don’t over think your answer when interviewing, the first thing that pops in your head go for it, you can’t please everyone and don’t let the talkers who think they are all that get you done and second guessing yourself, I know I had to fight through that myself with this pageant. Just because someone gets the highest votes doesn’t mean they are the best, don’t let it get to you.
[7:51] Lanai Jarrico: you got through it and look where you are at. What was the best part about preparing for this Pageant?[7:51] Aubrey Maskelyne: I know. Shopping, lol. I loved looking through all the gowns I could find on SL. Some of the gowns out there are amazing.

[7:54] Lanai Jarrico: Do you hope to try again next year?
[7:56] Aubrey Maskelyne: well as reigning Miss Tropic Hawaiian , I don’t believe I can go for it next year, but I am trying for the Miss Virtual World under a certain Frolic Mills. Getting things together now for that

[7:57] Lanai Jarrico: ooooh that’s wonderful to hear, Frolic and I go a long way back just like Twstd. You will be in good hands there.[7:57] Aubrey Maskelyne: they have monthly auditions and call backs , and more call backs, all the way till October then the event is in December. It seems like a lot of work, but in the end I know it will be worth it. Twsted believes that I should try, I was quite flattered.

[8:00] Lanai Jarrico: Yes I Agree it’s worth it. So what advice can you give New Avatars that are looking for something to try in SL?
[8:00] Aubrey Maskelyne: you want the honest to goodness truth ... right?

[8:00] Lanai Jarrico: of course
[8:03] Aubrey Maskelyne: Well to be honest, join a clan, yes I know vampires have a bad rep in sl , but to be honest they are amazing if u find the right one, just think about , u have designers, DJ's, photographers, builders, and loads of other people there to jump in and give a lending hand, I know the clan I belong to is amazing, everyone there is available to help in one way or another, we trade skins, hair, clothes and avie shapes all full perm around to help newbie out, and we know where the best shopping areas are, and always have our foot in the latest up and coming clubs

[8:04] Lanai Jarrico: That's a great bit of advice Aubrey. The SLE Family is the same way.
[8:04] Aubrey Maskelyne: that’s awesome to hear

[8:04] Lanai Jarrico: Was there anything else you wanted to cover before we close this interview out?
[8:06] Aubrey Maskelyne: Just that SL is what you make it, don’t let anyone dictate who you are, what you want to become, be free to explore and have fun.

Miss Tropic Hawaiian 2010 Contestants ( no particular order)

1. Kiralyn Destiny
2. Kaylee Core
3. Sifan Shan
4. Lynda Mimulus
5. Aubrey Maskelyne
6. Irie Bombastic
7. Jiva Roux
8. Snugglebunny Fuhr
9. Lovely725 Levee
10. Desi McKeenan
11. Jennylongview Innovia
12. Baby Tearfall
13. sylphie Fei
14. Kellie Hallison
15. Blessed Barrowstone
16. Sierra Charisma
17. Melly Parkin
18. Lunaire Farspire
19. CuddlyKitty Lavender
20. paris Unplugged

To Learn more about Compassion Coalition or The Tropic Hawaiian Pageants visit
Or Visit the The Compassionate Coalition Office- Oahu Hawaii
Non Profit Educational Center in Second Life

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