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Can buy, sell lindens and become an affiliate through Xchange4LS |
I've been in Second Life for almost a year now, and whenever I need money, I just click on the little green money amount on the upper right hand corner of my screen, type in an amount, and hit OK.
VOILA! Money in my account. And with all the clothes and shoes (lots of shoes) I buy on a daily basis, it never dawned on me that maybe this way of buying Lindens didn't work for every SL resident. It also never dawned on me that I would ever want to sell my Lindens (it never seems like I have enough as is) or become an affiliate with a company so that I could make money from people looking to buy and sell Lindens.
And then I met Amanda01 Parx, responsible for marketing and customer service for Xchange4LS.
I felt like a total newbie as I talked to her about Xchange4LS and its benefits to SL residents, but Parx was willing to answer all my questions, and the answers she gave showed me just how important a provider like Xchange4LS can be to SL residents.
SC=Shon Charisma
AP=Amanda01 Parx
SC: So, tell me, what is Xchange4LS?
AP: Xchange4LS is a Linden dollar provider for SL. You can Buy or sell Linden dollar and also earn Linden dollar with our affiliate program.
SC: What is a Linden dollar provider? Could you explain the purpose of having the system?
AP: The purpose is to buy or sell Linden dollar without limits as an alternative to Lindex. We do offer more payment systems, better rates and quick support.
SC: Tell me, who benefits from having this Linden dollar provider? Is it for anyone, for businesses?
AP: It is for everyone, right. Businesses are able to sell Linden dollar quickly. Second Life users can buy their Linden dollar. We offer different currencies like EUR, USD, CHF and GBP. Our website is available in English, German, French and Spanish. If you would like to earn Linden dollar and do have a location in SL or a website, you can buy our ATMs for 0L$ and rezz them in your location. For every order that is made with this ATM, you receive a commission. On a website, you can place a partner-link and earn a commission, too.

AP: Lindex does have Limits. We do not. They don't offer paysafecard, sofortüberweisung, Western Union or Bank Transfer. Not every SL user understands English, not every SL user has or likes PayPal, and not every SL user wants to pay or receive money in USD.
SC: This is true. So this is a way in which no matter the type of money you need, you can exchange it for Lindens to use inworld?
AP: Yes, almost. You can buy or sell in GBP, EUR, CHF or USD. Unfortunately, we do not in every currency in the world yet.
SC: You mentioned being able to place an ATM in a space you have--and this was for Second Life and for websites?
AP: For websites there is a partnerlink, no ATM.
SC: But through that link people would still be able to exchange funds for Lindens?
AP: This link leads to our website, where you can buy or sell Linden dollar. The person who places the link on his or her website receives a provision of 2% from the ordered amount of Linden dollar.
SC: Is that 2% the same for those who use the ATMs?
AP: Yes.
SC: How does Xchange4LS compare to other providers?
AP: We are, most of the time, the cheapest provider in the market.
SC: Cheapest meaning the fee a user has to pay to use the system?
AP: No the exchange rates for buying Linden dollar.
After talking to Ms. Parx, I saw the true benefit of a system like Xchange4LS. Millions of people travel through Second Life every day, and all of them deserve to be able to have money when they need or want it. Aside from that, with the number of businesses in Second Life and the number of potential buyers who might not be in America, it makes sense to put up an ATM like the one Xchange4LS provides in your business. I'm seriously considering putting them up in businesses I run.
You can learn more about Xchange4LS at their website. You can also visit them inworld by following this SLURL.
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