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Thursday, November 11, 2010

SL POLICE REPORT: Could it be possible that registered sex offenders could be roaming the grid unbeknownst to you? How would you feel if you were to find out that someone you know in SL is a registered sex offender just by doing a little research? Lanai Jarrico Reporting…

Staff Reporter
• Thursday, November 11, 2010

According to (Rape, Abuse and Incest National network), every 2 minutes, someone in the United States is being sexually assaulted. 1 in 6 woman and 1 in 33 men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. The sad thing is 60% of these rapes are never even reported to police and approximately 73% know their assailants. These are some very harsh statistics that leave people broken, feeling completely violated and sometimes even helpless, making it hard to heal both mentally and emotionally.

Should these predators that cause so much havoc and fear in their victims even be allowed to have the same freedoms as everybody else and be in SL too?  Can they be rehabilitated or is it a sickness that cannot be treated, leaving them to strike again and again and even prowl our grid.

There have been many stories of offenders walking free and even living too close for comfort near our communities. From time to time, I check just to see how safe my area is and to be aware of the dangers and offenders that might be near my family and friends.

On November 10th, I was approached by an avatar in Second Life who wished to remain anonymous to protect her identity and the identity of her friends. With my promise to respect this person’s wishes, we talked about an incident in SL involving someone who was thought to be a friend, a father to 2 little girl avatars, one of which turned into a romantic relationship, and an ex SL boyfriend to a woman who is in shock and disgust over this new discovery.

It all began to unfold for the accused when he started to exhibit a very controlling side with his GF, including some SL drama that spilled over into their circle of friends. While discussing some of the issues with a mutual friend, this person was told that “Mike” (Name has been changed) was a registered sex offender. That triggered a search into who this person really was, because he had shared his RL name and even a photograph in world.

By gathering evidence and receiving a rl picture from the offender, it became apparent that the person in the photograph was also the same person listed as a registered offender listed on The Dru Sjodin national Sex offender Public Website (NSOPW); a site created by The United States Department of Justice.

The avatar that was being interviewed walked me through how the information was uncovered. She has since defriended this individual and reported him to Linden Labs along with several people already.

Let’s see if the Lindens react to these reports, because the Second Life Terms of service clearly states, “We may suspend or terminate your Account(s) to protect the best interests of Second Life and the Second Life community or if we believe you pose an unacceptable risk to the Second Life community. We may suspend or terminate your Account if we determine in our discretion that such action is necessary or advisable to comply with legal requirements or protect the rights or interests of Linden Lab, the Second Life community or any third party.” And ‘We may suspend or terminate your Account(s) if we learn, or in good faith believe, that you are a Registered Sex Offender, that accessing Second Life may violate a condition of parole or probation, or that you for any other reason may pose what we deem to be an unacceptable risk to the Second Life community.” -Linden Labs Terms of Service

If you have an opinion on Sex Offenders in SL or would like to offer words of advice to fellow residents please feel free to post your comment in the box provided. *please do not post real names or addresses, as this is a violation of people’s right to privacy, including the perverts too…. (like they should have the same rights)

To learn more about sexual predators in your area , visit:  
1. Click "I agree"
2. Type in the security code it lists
3. Click Advanced Search
4. Search your area code or the area code of the suspect:
5. Scroll down and check the registry
6. If you suspect a predator is in SL and have proof, file your complaint with LL to help keep our grid safe from these creeps.

Helpful Resources  

Reader Opinions
DEC 25  •  Sadly to say I have had experience with this type of person in the past that you are talking about in this article. I just want to say that anyone who is a sex offender, also child molesters can not be trusted. Once they have do this they will do it again. They will tell you that they are ok now and that it was a once time thing. Please to do believe this I have seen the same people repeat and lie about it. These people can also get very scarey if they are found out!! Stay clear of them!!
lil devil
NOV 12  •  i sure would like to know when a person like that is amongst my friends.
ive encountered this very person too so i know who he is and what he did , and if i would have known sooner i wouldnt have let him in my life

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