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Monday, October 4, 2010


Announcing a new subscriber group in SL which has recently opened: STORIES UNLIMITED! Subscriber groups, like hippo-groups, are run by kiosk networks within the grid and allow residents to get information without adding an additional standard group to their profile. Like a mailing list for a real world magazine or a service like Netflix, it is subscribed to or unsubscribed to as the resident wishes. STORIES UNLIMITED! announced Sunday that it was open for subscriber enrollment, for kiosk placement at venues interested in being part of the network, and for posting requests from individual venues and presenters.
The purpose behind STORIES UNLIMITED! is to provide a network for independent presenters, or those presenting to smaller organized groups, to have an avenue to promote their story-based events to an interested audience without forming their own group in SL, or taking on the burden of recruitment and maintenance. STORIES UNLIMITED! Weekly and Daily notecard announcements are intended to augment a venue’s promotion, not replace it. “We want to bring a broad base of potential audience together with a broad base of amazing and diverse presenters out there, provide good basic information, and then let everyone make informed choices,” said Group Owner and Storyteteller Caledonia Skytower "Our only limitation, at the moment, is the english language."

WHAT STORIES UNLIMITED! WILL POST: It has to have a plot. Priority will be given to presenters who are not already part of a large established group or network. Events may include Theatre, Machinima, Book & Author Events, Traditional Telling, Readings and Literature, and some Poetry.

WHAT UNLIMITED! SENDS: A single Daily Notecard and a single Weekly Notecard through the subscriber group. At the moment, that is their covenant with subscribers. No IMs and no last minute “I have an event in an hour” requests. The group has the potential to be a great resource for those who plan ahead.

Send an “Event Request” notecard (ask for an Event Request template notecard) to Caledonia Skytower by the deadlines listed:

--Requests for Weekly Card (The week being defined as Monday through Sunday): Due Saturday of the previous week by Midnight SLT for posting on Monday morning.

--Request for Daily Card: Due by 5am SLT of the day they are to be posted.

Notecards will be sent by 11am SLT on their scheduled day of posting. Request for posting on both the Weekly and Daily Cards can be made. The Group reserves the right to decline posting requests that are incomplete, or which do not fit within the admittedly broad scope of this subscriber group. Requests in IMs are not accepted – if you want it sent . . . put it in writing.

To Subscribe to STORIES UNLIMITED!, drop a notecard to Caledonia Skytower or visit the master kiosk in world, located in the Seanchai Library at

For additional questions about the subscription group, contact Caledonia Skytower with a notecard inworld, or at Regular publication of daily and weekly notecards will commence by October 7.

~Caledonia Skytower, Reporting
"Any ink is good ink, even if it is virtual"

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