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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

News in a Nutshell- Lanai Jarrico Reporting... (OLD ARCHIVES)

Staff Reporter
• Wednesday, March 03, 2010
From Tigers Public apology, natural disaster and the Winter Olympics games Our real world news outlets are all tied up in sports, entertainment and world drama at the moment.

It's an interesting place to be caught in between keeping up to date with local news and the news generated by avatars in a virtual world but decided since I get news leads popping up all the time from residents of Second Life about this and that I figured I'd sum it all up into a news Nutshell....

The New SL Viewer 2.0 thing- I downloaded it to my laptop and I have No sound. GRRR same with Emerald but I'm too stubborn to just log into my desktop when I can lounge with a laptop.
At this point, I'm still gathering comments about what others are saying about it and will get back to yall with my findings a little later but from the looks of things, it seems to be favorable to those whose systems can handle it and according to one Musicians. He is thrilled that Second Life has finally broke the barrier where live video streaming in SL was lacking. Thumbs sideways for now until my full report.

Bunnies Multiplying in SL- For all you Rabbit Enthusiasts out there...Recently my dear friend Orion Baral took me on a tour of his Roadkill Bunny Ranch and let me pet some of this floppy eared fuzzballs. They are cute, but they mate pretty fast so he's got a huge selection for sale. Please Hurry and get some before they multiply him off the grid.

Congratulations and Special thanks to Miranda Funizza and Imagine Magazine for the invitation to this private team building event at New Hope Village and the Four Seasons. Check out the SLE Photo Gallery for some great picks from the inside. There were Performances by Bruce Scrabblebat and duo CTM Underwood & Melodee Mcdonnell.

Shopping- Hey Freebies aren't so bad....Recently I was invited to a formal ball and with over 30,000 things all tossed around my inventory I could not find anything nice to wear. I set out on a quest for a formal dress and came across a store called Paris Metro on Earthsea isle and found the most amazing free formal gown and totally pulled it off at the event. Check out this shop now!

OMG Shoes!- Men for you too!
Spring is coming around and I know the ladies and some guys may want to wear open toe sandals, flip flops and whatnot but please keep in mind curly fry looking hammer toes are not hot. As I do every year around this time, I recommend ladies visiting J's For some very cool sandals with neatly manicured toes and toe rings and Yes! Nail polish colors! Fellas, I found a pair of Birkenstock looking sandals that groom your feet too. Shy about the toes..there's boots and other stuff here as well.....
J's Shoes-
Sports & leisure- Got Paintballs?
Lately I have been taking a break from the hustle and bustle of what is my second life and noticed many of my friends doing the same. After all, There is only so much partying like rock stars and shameless groupie concert hopping one can do and if you aren't careful it can totally wear an avie out.
Just a reminder to all you Sl Addicts out there, Sometimes a break is required to build up the energy needed for the next Second Life marathon....

Speaking of which, I recently purchased a Paintball Game that allows 3 teams at a time to go toe to toe in some colorful messy action. TEAM SLE is getting organized for Spring and may just challenge you and your team to a dual.
(Heads Up MOOLTO & BOSL Start practicing your running skills now.)

Jax Streeter News- I heard through the grapevine that one of the first Major Tour pioneers in the SL Music Scene is Coming back to town for another round of an amazing concert event and Light Show experience. We got the line up info as venues join and our Concert Date is booked and Sponsored By The SL Enquirer and Musicland Isle, so mark your calendars for March 27th @ 7pm Slt.

SL New Housing Update- Aside from paranoia that my neighbors are spying on me and my guests, I haven't gotten evicted yet for the loud hip hop music which is awesome and was actually paid a visit by a Linden for the first time in 5 years to ask how I was enjoying my new place and FFS I wasn't even home! Luckily my BFF Prince Sonoda was there waiting for the cable guy and setting roach motels and got the chance of SLifetime.
Snaps fingers* maybe in 2015 they come back again....

Avies for Charity- Help us show support for a Cure- Take a Picture with a Wishing for a Cure Relay for Life poster and Submit it to Editorial Clarity for a very Special event being help on March 12th.
Teleport to The SL Enquirer Media Center, we have a Poster Set up for Supporters to take snapshots.

Music- ZenLive! Has Join us as a News Affiliate. Check out what events are going on in the Music Scene and some Musician Spotlights by Sharonna Spyker and the ZenLive! Team.

SLE News- SLE Affiliates Now have their owns News link on our Website!SLE is growing and expanding daily across the grid and I'm scouting for the hottest news from the best Hotspots & establishments in Second Life. If you got News....Get it Published with our Updates
Contact Lanai Jarrico for More Information and set up.

Global Warming- stock up and apply Sunscreen before you turn into bacon.

Hackers, Drama Queens and Griefers Oh My!- Be sure to take pictures of griefers and game killers in action and submit to the SL Enquirer, we don't mind clowning them on your behalf.
FYI This weeks Menace to SL is Hacker, jsgior32 Toxx.

Some Juicy Dirt- Recently I was approach by an avie who challenged me to a game of “I'm a Writer, Your a Writer, so lets have slex” Game. I might have won by saying, Sorry you can't stay for breakfast... :O

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