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Monday, March 29, 2010

Lanai's Diary: Spring Has Arrived and Already Butterflies Tried to Take me Out FFS! ~Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Sequence of events
Staff Reporter
• Monday, March 29, 2010
Please use caution when doing your Spring decorating this season or something like this can happen to you too...
On Sunday while sprucing up the media center for Spring I decided to dig thru my inventory for some butterflies to add to the place.
Locating a mystery box simply named “BUTTERFLYS” I snatched it from inventory and drop it to the ground. All of a sudden a swarm of butterflies were forming a giant particle halo around the center...
Some butterflies had peace signs in there wings and others in a joyous colorful displays big and small.
Immediately I was overwhelmed and could no longer stand to see this or risk going into a virtual panic attack or worse some sort of graphics seizure the XBOX warns gamers about.

Don't worry folks I'm not picking at disorders and phobias, I got a bunch and anyone that knows me., knows I'm the one hiding in a corner somewhere away from big crowds. Too much going on freaks me out sometimes.
Anyways, Like I was saying. Once I realized Spring is just fine without all the butterfly special effects, I went to look for the object I had rezzed to the ground and I could not find it.
In panic mode I tried to highlight transparent...nothing... With my sober-drunken clumsiness I zoomed around trying to look for this object all while being pelted by hundreds of these little winged devils.
Overwhelmed, and confused. I got dramatic and ran crying to my friend who is the land manager to where this attack on myself was taking place.
Either it was the Jack Daniels or idle hands my poor friend thought I was being griefed and accidentally hit the “send all objects back” button and BOOM! I got my wish.
No more butterflies!.....No newsstands, No....greeter...No...Front desk and OMG no walls on the back end and sides of what was left of The SL Enquirer Media Center. The only thing that was left standing of mine was a very special cherry blossom tree my BFF Prince Sonoda had given to me as a gift.
So here I am all crumbled up in a heap on the floor, feeling like my rug was just yanked out from under me. My situation was looking a hot mess and I was all upset.
The Next day I arrived to see the same ruins I had tried to dream away that night and
my dramatic side came rushing back and once again I ran crying to a friend who then handed me a backbone and kicked me in the ass to go ask for a 48 hour roll over from the sim owner.
According to the sim owner who expressed his worry for his entire sim investment. The Lindens must have been crying to him because apparently it puts a twist in their bloomers to do these rollovers, so there had better be a good my out of control butterflies?
Within an hour or so, The big man on campus put in the roll over order and when It was all said and done, everything came back including those pesky little BLEEPERS. So back to square one I went.
The whole ordeal finally came to an end within 24 hours but not by the roll over, me crying to everybody or even Superman needing to come to my rescue. I just had to zoom in a little bit closer to find the butterfly ring I was SUPPOSED to wear with the particle effect... FFS!
With this kicking off the season for me, I thought I'd wish you all a Happy Spring, just please be careful rezzing stuff...
XOXO ~Lanai

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