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Monday, October 4, 2010

Lanai’s Diary Entry Monday October 4, 2010- New Season, New Attitudes and New Changes for 2011. -Lanai Jarrico

Staff Reporter
• Monday, October 04, 2010
With Fall officially here and things starting to pick up after the Summer SL drought, I thought I’d bust out my diary and write a little about what’s been going on and how I hope some things can change for the better as we approach 2011.

I’ve been observing people and places in the virtual world for a long time and what never seize to amaze me, is the unpredictable nature of this environment and the behaviors of people who you may have done business with or befriended each other. Friendships or partnerships always begin in a mutual agreement and everyone on the same page (usually), but when decisions are made for the improvement of one’s own goals. The other party may not agree because it might not benefit them, but who’s to say the person making the decision, can’t or shouldn’t, if it is to improve on their Second Life experience? 

We all have a right to choice our paths just as long as we don’t cause other’s intentional grief or with malice.
A lot of drama can come of situations like that and before you know it, you are being de-friended, getting into arguments and it seems people’s personalities change and reputations are compromised. This type of behavior sucks the purpose and fun right out of being part of this virtual world. It is a growing problem.

I asked myself why this seems to be the norm in SL and what can we do as a community to bring harmony and peace to Second Life. We all have the choice and opportunity to make a difference here, unlike the big global mess in our real world. It’s sad to see such a beautiful world we share, that is vital to our very existence, be so riddled with wars, turmoil and unnecessary drama. We all can see how that is going.

I’m seeing the same thing happening in Second Life and it’s so sad when we have the power to actually create a peaceful drama free environment. Every single one of us can see just how dynamic this virtual platform can be. We all have to share it and work with each other to make SL thrive with the life that we breathe into it.
I’d like to think when I first meet a person, they are true to who they say they are, show integrity in the way they handle themselves in situations, whether it be in or out of their favor.

Unfortunately that’s not the reality here in SL. It’s kind of like a dog eat dog mindset for a lot of people, especially in the business side of things. Does it really have to be that way?

My hopes for the future and as we move closer to 2011, that we can all begin to band together with one unanimous goal in mind and that is to preserve a platform where we have the power to make global differences with charities, education, technology and social growth on such a scale.

We can start by paying good deeds forward. Maybe do something nice for someone today, without any expectations.

Try kindness over selfish tactics, keeping a positive attitude even in the toughest of situations. If you believe it will, Positive change will come.

The alternative would be to find a new hobby or revaluate the way your time and money is spent in Second Life. Is it really worth it?

With that said, The SL Enquirer is in the process of developing something entertaining, that will change the way avies conduct themselves here in Second life. Sit tight, change is coming :)

Xoxo Lanai Jarrico

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