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Friday, November 5, 2010

Lanai’s Diary- Entry: Friday November 5, 2010 the fun of losing inventory, clothes and being in the middle of shameless sausage parties and Sex… ~Lanai Jarrico

Staff Reporter
• Friday, November 05, 2010
Nobody is safe from one of the most inconvenient SL Inventory loading issues that plague avies across the grid today. Sometimes recovering your items may take days, a week and for a few maybe never again. This can cause avies to be stuck in their houses or hiding behind bushes trying to figure out what to do with themselves. For the more fortunate, it is a good excuse to go shopping unless you’re broke.

One of the suggestions for fixing this issue usually is to clear your cache and relog. You can do this by going into your preferences. Go to your “network” and “Web” tabs, you will find a clear cache option. Once you have done that, press apply and relog. That might help….
If you are on a laptop, this could cause countless crash landings until your cheap system sorts things out. Another option would be to file a support ticket with Linden Labs and hope for the best. Emergencies like this personal fashion and props disaster has been compared to calling 911 and living in the hood. They will get to a crying cat in a tree before they get to a person beat up on the street. 

Losing inventory for about a week is no laughing matter when you are left shoe-less, broke and hiding in your loft crying in your friend’s IM about being totally unfashionable I was so desperate to get out there, explore and write up my latest diary entry, but there was no way I was going out like I fell off a Las Vegas party bus looking like that punch drunk pop star, Kesha. Not until Saturday night at least.

That was me last week. It is interesting that all of a sudden I felt so insecure and omg, Linden forbid, I go to a meeting in a pair of freebie booty shorts with a tucked in flannel and flip flops, not that I’m ever on the cover of any fashion Magazines in Second life or anything but I do kinda have to at least look decent and presentable.

On to the subject of being presentable, it’s really not all about the fashion statements in SL for some people; it’s who you know and the places you go. I realized I was wasting too much time and money frequenting male strip joints but it was the best way to get tons of FWB cards and callbacks. It’s surprising you can find intelligent conversations in strip clubs and a flurry of a woman’s daily need for compliments. I just never ordered the chicken wings there.

All that came to a stop when Superman came along and swept me off my feet and took me away from all that. I never mention him enough and I’m sure many wonder where he is or if he even exists. All I can say is he is quick and quiet in his ways but he knows how to handle his business if you know what I mean.

Last week he came to the rescue and had some clothes delivered to me, so I didn’t have to walk around looking all tacky and unprofessional. I think he must really like me or doesn’t want to be seen with a hot mess sidekick.
Anyways, back to my Strip Club ramble… Going with a group of girls and bodyguards was fun while it lasted but it got old and a bit unclassy, so I moved my focus on to more important ventures of study like People watching at the local nude beaches.

I remember when I was a noob, I literally walked around for months, shoeless and wearing pink “silks” because I thought belly dancing was cool. I didn’t know it meant something crazy to Goreans and I kept being asked to get collared among other things.
Sex and naughtiness in SL has not simmered down, not at all. Avies just scattered like water bugs when the LL lights went on and the TOS got stricter on the smut.
Peeps are still hiding in the most obvious of places and I thought it would be neat to revisit the Ghettos of my past and see if much has changed.

I have come to this conclusion… Everyone involved in SL Sex and the smut is either an Alt, noobie, naked noob with big boobs, or a noob with a non matching penis and an accent so hard he has the typos to prove it, but the best Place to go let it all hang out if your inventory wont load, is Sexy Nude Beach.
That place is always packing susage like the local deli.
Here’s the slurl:

Not only are you guaranteed to find someone naked, you may just find yourself forgetting about your inventory issues and getting naked yourself!
Another observation I made about this place is I didn’t even have to rezz my wig and I was being approached by a line of guys trying to hand me sausages.
After 5 years, it’s the same old Second Life…

*Special Thanks to all the sexy Sausage handlers who will remain nameless by choice but they know who they are. *wink*

Xoxo Lanai 

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