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Monday, August 16, 2010

Lanai's Diary Entry- 8/16/2010- Back From Vacation & Ready to Roll- Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

Staff Reporter
• Monday, August 16, 2010
Lanai’s Diary- Back from vacation and ready to roll.
It has been a week full of adventure and a well needed rest but this time it was a bit different. I didn’t get SLE Withdrawals. Instead I actually had a pretty decent vacation while the SLE family held it down.
I began my week with some day hiking in the Stix and lasted all but 2 days due to a boom bangin headache I got from not taking my Dramamine before the excursion.
While I was there at “Split Rock Resort” I didn’t get to throw horseshoes but I at least played some bingo while tearing up some extra sloppy chicken wings. I Even summed up enough courage to take part in a Literature & The Arts Trivia going on in the Pit Lounge after hiking up to the “Famous’ Split Rock. I wasn’t any good at Bingo as I watch little kids winning left and right. Let’s just say I didn’t win any ‘turtle bucks” from the trivia either but my adventures didn’t end there.
I spent a little bit of energy closed up in an all white racquetball room for a good 20 minutes until I was about to pass out. I should have filled out a guest request for padded walls and complimentary ben gay. I’d feel much better because waking up from a day of all that, my left shoulder, arm, back and my neck were killing me....  

After a weekend of wandering around the resort, the family packed it up and we drove home. Back home the vacation continued with some fishing. My job was to hand out hotdog chunks to the guys for their fishing hooks. Apparently the smaller fish like all beef franks and trout like chicken...
I won’t argue with Puerto Rican men from the old country on that one.
I also had to watch a very unpleasant looking snapping turtle in a box as it hissed at me. So I named it Fred. Not sure if it was even male, I knew one thing. It didn’t like hotdogs…
Another day I did some Mini Golfing. See, now this is a sport that requires walking, patience and a bottle of water. I don’t mind all the walking if the fountains are actually running and the landscape is nice. My only problem is when the ice cream vendor is also the janitor and Intercom DJ or if it’s too hot outside and there is a family of like 12 ahead of me.
For one of my vacation days, I took it easy and spent the day watching old “Lost” Series on Netflix. Got up to Season 4 and started waking up with nightmares of being stranded on some island all freaked out.
This past weekend, I got brave again, took my Dramamine and I attempted the mountains again. This time we went to Lake Wallenwaupack. We packed in a Bayliner and off we went to Ebby Island. Dropped anchor trekked into the woods and threw some hotdogs on the grill.
As I was trying to explore the island with my walking stick. I came across a teen couple who may have been looking for a spot to….you know. I pointed them down a path to the beach and I started to think about SL and all its craziness.
I wondered why I wasn’t having withdrawals with the amount of time I spend in the virtual world and I did some thinking about the things I have planned when I get back.
Some of it was due to one reader’s opinion about my last diary entry before I went on vacation.

“SL is a dead end. You should try real life for a real change and put your talents to a real test. Just sayin...” signed, Mona Lisa.
I ruled out SLE sucking, since we are now averaging over 20,000 hits and she seems to read the paper but Mona Lisa was absolutely right in some respects. As you can see I tried a bunch of real life this week so I am good in that area. I agree Second Life can be a dead end if the only purpose for logging into this amazing place was to waste away time flirting and carrying on “simlationships”. Most of which end within 3 months. It can also be a dead end if you build meaningless friendships and just hang out doing absolutely nothing.
In other respects, Second Life is a place for anyone to let their imagination & creativity unfold.
It is not about being a dead end for me. It is about meeting like minded people from all over the world who work together towards a goal. Second Life is really about those with talent and something to bring to the table. We come together to form our virtual landscape. Using what Second Life has to offer in so many creativity ways is never ending and it’s only going to get better. There are life changing things happening here and I’m ready to get back to work and continue to make things happen.
As far as putting my talents to a test in RL, I’m already in School with my goals set but if I could get my degree in Media any faster, Please let me know.

I am glad to be back and ready to roll so keep an eye on what’s to come 
~Lanai Jarrico

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