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Monday, April 26, 2010

Lanai's Diary- Entry 4-26-2010- Don't Hate on the Sci-Fi Nerds and the Media Princess! -Lanai Jarrico

Staff Reporter
• Monday, April 26, 2010
Lanai's Diary- Entry- 4.26.2010

I have to begin this entry Thanking my sidekick organizer “O” . I won't say his full name after the whole Easter bunny incident because I think it made him camera shy.

Anyways, Him and the family, held down the SLE camp while I was gone with my powercord issues.
So before I ramble on. They needed to get some props. Love you guys, thank you!

Wow where do I begin, a lot has been going on since getting my new power cord. OMG and thank goodness internet withdrawals are no joke. I almost picked up a gambling addiction and cigarette habit.

Stepping back into the SL media circus even after 4 days felt like trying to hop on a treadmill as it's rolling full speed ahead. My drive to continue on this creative journey has turned me into an admitted Avie with OCD and ADHD. But who needs meds when I kinda manage to get back on track because of it. Even if I look a hotmess holding my tiara and sprinting in glass slippers.

So, with my laptop issues now behind me I'm finally able to continue my involvement in a very interesting Sci Fi Mini Series project I have been asked to be a major part of. Here's a sneak peek behind the scenes for all my loyal diary readers out there who may be interested in auditioning for a character role or being part of the production team.

Early this year, I met a well mannered avie named Doc Grun who invited me to be part of his project. He didn't give me much information at first accept that he was interested in doing a sci fi mini series and pointed out some articles and links of things he has been involved in.

After talking with the mastermind behind the storyline, hearing his project Idea. I totally stalked his credentials and googled him.

I Read some of his articles on the SL Examiner, and seen links to projects he was involved in and all checked out.
After he told me the Script was registered with the Writer's Guild of America I knew his project was legit and I was relieved to see he was not some random bozo coming into Second Life with an idea and no plan to back it up.

Now that I have accepted the challenge of Producer & Cast & Crew Manager. I was told I'm in the front seat of this Project riding alongside Captain Doc Grun and Co pilot Texas TimTam of Treet TV.

WOW OK OMG, SL/RL TV Production and he wants me to be the producer? Now those are some pretty heavy glass slippers to fill, But realize someones gotta do it.

We began our 1st meeting April 14 and discussed the Storyline. I got a chance to read the first episode and it I was just blown away by the details, characters and the way it played out in my mind as I read it.

Without giving too much away. It takes place in the Future when the world is devastated by a major catastrophe and mankind turns on each other in the fight for survival until visitors from outside our planet arrive to save us from self destruction. It has an element of a Miraculous being who comes to intercept a coup and bring peace and life back to a world once thriving. From the outside it could fit any sci fi scenario but what makes this one unique is this projects intentions are to use Second Life as the film production platform and present the series to real sci fi television networks, film festivals and also feature it in Second Life theaters for all to see.

If you are interested in auditioning for a (VO) Voice Over position, joining our extras pool or contribute in the production of this series. Please contact me for more information and Audition instructions.

~Lanai Jarrico

Positions Available
VO Talent
Set Builders/Scene Location Scout
Background Music
Public Relations

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