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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Lanai's Diary: Ahhhhhh Home Sweet Home or Ghetto Public Housing in SL? ~ Lanai Jarrico Reporting...

I don't know if I should install rows of chains down my door and a deadbolt or get a guard dog or something cause this is seriously messed up...
I don't know about any of yall but I grew up in the hood and got the hell out of there at 17 for a reason. Aside from getting knocked up but that's a whole other diary entry...
The streets were rough with drama going on any day of the week. From cat fights between tacky hood rats, drug raids, beat downs and what have you.... Issues were constant in such a concentrated area where it's mostly dominated by the drug dealers and assorted family members living just down the street from each other . So if someone got out of hand growing up, all you had to say was "I'ma get my cousins after you" and if you came from a big ass family like I do someone was getting a round of ass whoopins from a crew. And that's how we survived.
I managed to dodge bullets, ghetto drama or a nice crack addiction but years and a virtual world later I kinda feel like I moved back into the hood. WTF?
Is this New Linden home offer to premium members a way to get us all out of the sky boxes and dealing with Slumlords with high rent and lag to live in an SL Public housing situation with limited abilities and no rental fee? Sounds like “Section 8” living to me.
Maybe it is a great opportunity for us members to sorta kinda own a little piece of Second Life real estate without worrying about tiers, smut shops and lag issues elsewhere but the restrictions sound more like house arrest.
Absoutley no Terraforming, No Sky boxes allowed, No re-renting or selling this house. No Classified ads, and no events. So I'm assuming wild house parties and sleepovers are totally out of the question making me wonder if the neighbors will call the cops on me or the Lindens themselves are on foot patrol.....
Perhaps the sole purpose is simply for us to have a place to go for some privacy and peace of mind from the rental headaches in Second Life or this is still a very new type of experiment on us Linden Lab rats so I may just need to settle in and meet my neighbors if any move in nearby...
One good thing about getting into SL Public Housing is, I didn't have to sit on a one year waiting list.
Getting my home was not very difficult at all, in fact it took as much time as it does logging into the Second Life website, choosing the hood, picking my house style, naming it, reading the restrictions and hitting accept. In world I immediately received my landmark and moving day began.
For those Premium Members who wish to give up an existing home for a Linden one. You will have to wait 30 days from date of giving up land to avoid being charged $5 for a 512 sq ft lot.
Bummer Huh?
Another thing I would like to point out to all premium members who don't have their own land yet, considering getting this free one or thinking about moving to a smaller lot elsewhere. What LL doesn't remind you to do is if you move to a smaller place, Your account will still be charged for the bigger lot you had previously unless you check your account option and your billing matches the size of your current lot or you will end up paying , Use me for an example...
I just got done paying $40 on Valentine's Day for 1/8 sim space when I left that a couple months ago to Move to Musicland Isle. Rather then automatically having this adjusted and pay the minimum membership fee which is $5.00 for not even owning a 512 sq. ft lot in my case.
You can check this option in your SL account >>>>Land Manager>>>Land use fee information before your next billing cycle.
Sooo Anyways....Standing in the center of my living room trying to plan out my 117 prim allowance and wondering why my house alarm system box and window shade closing option was not available just yet. I Peeped the map to see maybe 3 green dots sprinkled far from where I was. I got the feeling I was the only one in my entire neighborhood and wasn't sure what I was going to do if I needed to borrow sugar or something.
I mean, now I may not need to go out and buy like 6 sets of curtains for all the dang windows because I don't have to worry about peeping toms or seeing anything freaky thru my neighbors windows. The hood building contractor apparently likes giant storefront windows and lots of them....
I must say, I was a bit hesitant to set up my Hookah of Hospitality and my potted plants for a housewarming party but I did anyway and no cops came yet, so I think I'll stay a while and see how this will turn out.

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