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Monday, July 12, 2010

FASHION: Metaverse Exchange Designer showcase - Lacy Muircastle reporting ...

Staff Reporter
• Monday, July 12, 2010
According to Siann Beck owner of MVX “ MVX cares about talented designers enough to assist them to achieve their potential by providing a venue where otherwise hidden talent can be seen by all.”

Metaverse Exchange is a site dedicated to facilitating commerce among users of all virtual worlds and gaming worlds where residents and players trade in virtual goods.
It is intended for MVX to serve any and all virtual worlds, as the opportunity arises. MVX is currently serving Second Life™ and 3rd Rock Grid™. The idea is to ultimately serve any virtual world or gaming world which supports commerce among its residents or players.

MVX’s business philosophy is that they don't believe that business, or life for that matter, is a zero-sum game: that is, they don't believe that, in order for one to win, someone else must lose. They strongly believe in conducting business to the mutual benefit of all concerned. That means that you as a merchant and/or shopper, will always come before money. The owner, Siann Beck, has been an independent businesswoman for many years, and it has always been her experience that, when she operates that way, the money takes care of itself. 

So building on this philosophy MVX has announced that it will be hosting a showcase for up and coming designers in Second Life scheduled for mid August.

The parameters within which the designers have to work are that their designs must be original and not derived from the kits that are available. Originality and quality are paramount. Those chosen to participate in the MVX Showcase will have their work put on display on the runway using models who are themselves in training and who are not currently affiliated to specific modelling agencies.

The prize for the winning designer apart from the publicity will be 90 days of free vendor space at the MVX Mall.

So to all you aspirant SL fashion designers and models, MVX is offering you an opportunity of a life time and a launch pad into the wonderful world of SL design and fashion.

For more details and information on how to get involved please contact Terran Magic of Crystalwood Productions.

Crystalwood Productions themselves are new kids on the block. They are in the business of event and promotions co-ordination in SL. Terran Magic has extensive experience in the world of fashion and events being a model himself and a pretty good builder on the side. He has pulled together an team which has quickly bonded and is now just like family.
Crytalwood Promotions officially launches on the 17th July @ 6 -10pm SLT with a Battle of the deejays and continues on the 18th July from 6-10 am SLT in order to give the opportunity to as many dejays in the various time zones. There are great prizes up for grabs for the winners.

MVX are not only giving new designers and models the opportunity to strut their stuff but they are also giving Crytalwood Productions the opportunity to do the same.

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