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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

MUSIC: :Karter Stonecutter Rocks Second Life! - Sandy Demina Reporting...

Staff Reporter
• Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Karter joined the US Navy out of high school and spent most of his time in Florida, where he teamed up with some fellow sailors and started working gigs at the chief's club and special events. Out of the Navy, he went right into the piano bar circuit for a few years before realizing his heart was in Rock 'N Roll. Now he spends his time touring North America working large rock clubs and festivals, living a rather modest musician's life on a definitely modest musician's salary!

His diverse musical background provides for a unique performance. His piano bar days give him the experience to engage his audience and it's always evident in his performances. But don't let that fool you. Karter can rock with the best! He can adapt to most any styles and venues, which has given him longevity and popularity in the musician communities around the United States.

Whether it be indulging his audience in sweet romantic ballads, old standards or rockin' the house, a good time, a solid performance and some fun lasting memories are what you can expect when you come to see Karter Stonecutter. ( )


SANDY:Where are you from?
KARTER:Chicago, Illinois USA, currently residing in Little Rock, Arkansas USA

SANDY:How long have you been playing music?
KARTER:Well if I told you that, I'd be giving my age away...but let's just say since I was about 4. My parents were both entertainers and I was exposed to music very early.

SANDY:How did you discover SL? what brought you inworld?
KARTER:I've been in SL for over 6 years, in various forms. To be quite honest, I don't remember how I found it. I think it was an online friend that first exposed me to it. I immediately saw the possibilities here for both fun and playing, and it hasn't let me down yet.

SANDY:Did you ever think to use your real name for what you usually do in Second Life?
KARTER:I think there has to be some anonymity when you are in a high-profile type of activity online. I try hard to separate my identity here from my RL identity, mostly for security reasons. So I have chosen not to use my real name while performing in SL.

SANDY:Can you describe your experience in SL:what did you like to do when you were not playing?did you like to go to live music events or to art exhibits?

KARTER:I've enjoyed most everything SL has to offer over the years, but I will say that I spend most of my time with Madison and going out to hear my performer friends.

SANDY:What has influenced you to get your to where you are today musically?

KARTER:My parents were a big factor in my musical development. I took on my own tastes through school and started writing fairly early in life. One thing you learn in the music business is that if you want to work, you have to often compromise your own musical preferences, so early on I was mostly influenced by the popular trends and styles (Eltion John, Billy Joel). The venues I perform at here in SL are quite eclectic, so Madison has worked hard to keep me in tune with the current styles, which I have come to enjoy performing as much as the older ones.

SANDY:Do you think SL could be a valid showcase for your RL work?
KARTER: Absolutely. There are so many people in this world and often I will perform to larger crowds than my RL gigs. The diversity of the people here is immense, and I can reach people who I never could with my RL shows.

SANDY:How would you describe your style?

KARTER:Hmmm, my style? Well, I like to think of myself as a bit layed back, more of a total package than a pianist or vocalist alone. I strive to reach everyone in some way that will make their experience memorable and enjoyable. I like to see everyone who comes to a show take away something special.

SANDY:What are the sources of your inspiration?

KARTER:Definetely, Madison. She has been my backbone and inspiration . I also rely heavily on my personal experiences in life. That always makes for a good story or song.

SANDY:Do you use other kind of digital promotions?

KARTER:Of course. I use iTunes and MySpace like most of the other performers. Seems everything is very digital these days, but that's a good thing.

SANDY:Where do you see yourself a year from now:will Second Life still exist?
KARTER:Yes, I see myself growing along with SL and the people here. Hopefully my fan club will continue to grow and the friends I make here will inspire and challenge my goals and abilities.

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